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Moving projects/actions between files Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I manually move my OmniFocus file between my work and home machine. Every once in a while, I start working in OmniFocus even though I forget to copy the newest version from the other machine (whichever that may be) to the current machine. This creates the chaos of two files, both of which have changes in them.

When I realize that things are now out of sync, there appears to be no recourse, because I cannot dump out individual projects/actions which I know I've added or modified and then import them to get things back in order. I seem to be forced to manually copy notes and lines from the new out-of-sync file, paste them into a text document, move the offending OmniFocus.ofocus document out of the way, move the foreign document in place, and then manually copy and paste all the information into the file. This is complicated by the fact that modified actions are hard to identify, because the sneakernet method of moving the files seems changes the modification date of the actions, so sorting the actions by the last modified date lists every one of the actions.

Any hints on how either I can avoid copying the OmniFocus folder back and forth (which does not involve a dedicated permanent internet hookup), or how to get things back in shape without the pain of copying and pasting items to text files, and then copying and pasting them back in?

Perhaps I'm missing some simple way to export single projects for later import into another document?
If you double-click on a .ofocus file in Finder, OmniFocus will open it up, alongside your "regular" OF file. So

1. Open OF as normal; this is your "local" version

2. Double-click the "other" copy of your OF file; OmniFocus will open it up in a separate window.

You can now select a folder, project or item and copy-and-paste between the two documents. If you choose View All Projects, and sort them in the same way, you can visually compare the two files.
Don't I feel like an idiot!

Thanks for the tip.
Is there some way to move a project out of OmniFocus in order to send it to someone else? I suppose I could duplicate the OmniFocus file and then open it and delete everything I didn't want to send, but that seems a bit messy.

What I want to do is select a project, export it (complete with notes and contexts), and then email it to a colleague so they can import it into their OmniFocus document.
To move a project out of OmniFocus, drag a copy of your OmniFocus.ofocus file from ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/*to somewhere else (like the Desktop). Make sure you copy the file; don't move it.

Rename it so you don't confuse it with your original file, then double-click it to open it. Delete everything but the project you want to send to a colleague. Close the file, which now contains only that project. (You can also use this method to create an empty OmniFocus file for future use, eliminating the need to repeat these steps.)

You can now send the file (really, a package) to your colleague, who can double-click it to open it and then copy or drag the project into his or her OmniFocus file. Depending on how your email program handles packages, you might want to turn it into a ZIP archive first.

I'm not sure what happens if you have contexts in the project that are not in your colleague's file.
Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
To move a project out of OmniFocus, drag a copy of your OmniFocus.ofocus file from ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/*to somewhere else (like the Desktop). Make sure you copy the file; don't move it....
Thanks Brian. I was with you all the way as this is how I assumed I'd need to do it, but what I was hoping for was something along the lines of:

Select project and drag to desktop.


That's it.

Let's leave this as a feature request!

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