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Re-assign a keyboard shortcut? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi, I am a big user of the cmd+´ shortcut to open and close the notes of a task. Yet, since I come from a spanish speaking country, and have re-mapped my keyboard to use the accent key ´ as the key to press prior to accenting a vowel (i.e. á, é, etc.), that means I cannot use this shortcut, since when I press the key all I really get is a modifier and not the actual accent grave.

I understand not may people will face this, but it would be AWESOME to be able to re-assign the shortcut of opening and closing the notes to something like cmd+; for example.

Anyone knows if this is possible? OMNI, could this be considered? Even though not a lot people will face this, it's a quite frequent scenario on any country that uses accents and for people that have modified the keyboard layout.

Thanks. Martin.
In your system preferences, choose keyboard & mouse
Then click on the tab for keyboard shortcuts.

Add the name of the menu and the key you'd like it set to. Keep in mind that you have to get the menu name EXACTLY right.
Wow! I did not know this... this is really good tip and makes my life so much easier! Thanks so much! Martin.

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