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Hiding completed repeating items & priorities Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I want to begin by saying what a great program OmniFocus is. There are two features that I believe are missing and would really complete OmniFocus.

The first feature would be to hide a repeating item after it is completed. For example, let’s say that I have a daily or weekly repeating action. I don’t want to be see it on my Action List once I have checked it off for the day, week, whatever. I have a number of repeating actions, and I hate having those mixed in with actions that still need to be complete possibly that day.

The second feature that would really round out the program would be the ability to assign a priority to actions, which isn’t strictly a GTD practice, but I do believe would make a well received addition to OmniFocus.
Originally Posted by Bruce L View Post
The first feature would be to hide a repeating item after it is completed. For example, let’s say that I have a daily or weekly repeating action. I don’t want to be see it on my Action List once I have checked it off for the day, week, whatever. I have a number of repeating actions, and I hate having those mixed in with actions that still need to be complete possibly that day.
I think this could be done! Define a start time, which is the same date as the due time, and choose the perspective filter "available".

Is this the point you asked for?
Originally Posted by Bruce L View Post
The second feature that would really round out the program would be the ability to assign a priority to actions, which isn’t strictly a GTD practice, but I do believe would make a well received addition to OmniFocus.
You might find this thread to be interesting reading.

Originally Posted by Dirk View Post
I think this could be done! Define a start time, which is the same date as the due time, and choose the perspective filter "available".

Is this the point you asked for?
How does get the start date set automatically for repeating tasks? At the moment whenever I mark complete a repeating task (which has a start date) it creates a new task with a due date but no start date. I have to manually set the start date to get it off my available actions list.

I recognise that some repeating tasks become available immediately, but some don't :)


I just ran across this same problem. I had a set of repeating Actions in a Project called "Clean House". The repeating Actions were always at the top of my list, an hence, always seemed to be my Next Action.

I cheated(?) and just put all of my repeating Actions in a Project called "Clean House Repeating".

That way, my Next Actions list can actually progress past my repeating items.
Originally Posted by Bruce L View Post
The second feature that would really round out the program would be the ability to assign a priority to actions, which isn’t strictly a GTD practice, but I do believe would make a well received addition to OmniFocus.
I think flags go underused towards this end - consider them as providing a Low/High priority tag.

Originally Posted by Anita View Post
How does get the start date set automatically for repeating tasks? At the moment whenever I mark complete a repeating task (which has a start date) it creates a new task with a due date but no start date. I have to manually set the start date to get it off my available actions list.
Hm, for me this is working: I set a start date (03.01.2008), a due date (04.01.2008), Repeat from completion day every 1 week, and the Action Inspector tells me the time of the next task, if I mark "complete": Next Start 09.01.2008, next Due 10.01.2008. I don't have to set the start date manually, and the task is not shown, as the starting time is tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Dirk View Post
Hm, for me this is working: I set a start date (03.01.2008), a due date (04.01.2008), Repeat from completion day every 1 week, and the Action Inspector tells me the time of the next task, if I mark "complete": Next Start 09.01.2008, next Due 10.01.2008. I don't have to set the start date manually, and the task is not shown, as the starting time is tomorrow.

My brain hurts! I just retested it and it works fine! This is a good thing but it makes me worry I was hallucinating, but it really really wasn't this morning.

On the up side, I've had notification of three updates today and applied them all, so I guess I might've just had a weird version for a few days.

As a total aside, the updates thing is strange, no updates for days and then one, and another immediately after I install the first.

Dirk, please forgive me for taking so long to thank you for your tip. It has been working for my uses.
Thank you Curt. I have been using flags per your indirect suggestion. This flagging of items is also compatible with my use of ZTD (ZenToDone a tweaked application of ZTD by Leo Babauta. See For my needs OmniFocus and ZenToDone are GREAT!

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