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Export lists of tasks assigned to someone Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am new to OmniPlan, so forgive me if this is "obvious" to you old hands.

I have created a construction project chart with hundreds of tasks and have dutifully assigned most of them to different people (resources). What I'd like to do is print out a list of tasks that a given person has yet to complete. Essentially this could act as their checklist for what needs to be done on any given day.

Ideally I could crank out a batch of task lists, separated by who needs to complete those tasks.

It seems to me that this would be a natural need for almost all users of OmniPlan, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it in OP 1.5, which I downloaded just yesterday. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by Owen Linzmayer View Post
I am new to OmniPlan, so forgive me if this is "obvious" to you old hands.

I have created a construction project chart with hundreds of tasks and have dutifully assigned most of them to different people (resources). What I'd like to do is print out a list of tasks that a given person has yet to complete. Essentially this could act as their checklist for what needs to be done on any given day.

Ideally I could crank out a batch of task lists, separated by who needs to complete those tasks.

It seems to me that this would be a natural need for almost all users of OmniPlan, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it in OP 1.5, which I downloaded just yesterday. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.
You can use OmniPlan's filtering feature to do this. Just go to "View" > "Filter Task" and set the criteria to only show tasks that match your criteria, like a resource containing a certain name.

Once the filter is applied, you'll only see tasks that match the criteria and you can export/print the filtered view.
Thanks. That's a step in the right direction, but there's no way to save filters for future use, and it appears I would have to step through the process for every worker resource because there's no batch capability.
Originally Posted by Owen Linzmayer View Post
Thanks. That's a step in the right direction, but there's no way to save filters for future use, and it appears I would have to step through the process for every worker resource because there's no batch capability.
My first thought was to create an AppleScript to do this. Under "Task" there is a "filtered" property, which (according to the dictionary) can be turned on and off (it is not marked "r/o").

However, a simple script (below) which just sets that value to "true" gets an error:

OmniPlan got an error: [<OPTask 0x17795c60> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key isFilteredOut.
So, this hit a dead end.

FWIW this is the script:

tell application "OmniPlan"
	-- Note:  Inspector has "" as its name, and is often the front!
	set frontWindow to front window where name is not ""
	set selTasks to selected tasks of frontWindow
	set namelist to ""
	repeat with curtask in selTasks
		if namelist is not "" then set namelist to namelist & "; "
		set namelist to namelist & (name of curtask)
	end repeat
	display dialog "Filtering view to remove tasks:  " & namelist
	repeat with curtask in selTasks
		set filtered of curtask to true
	end repeat
end tell
I don't suppose anyone has made any progress on this front...? I'm in a similar boat where I want to export an iCal file for each resource (person) in my project file... I know seven programming languages but can't work out Applescript!! Has anyone successfully written an Applescript that saves each resource's tasks out as an iCal .ics file (filtered to only include work that isn't 100% complete for each resource/person)...
File > Export. Choose the HTML Report.
It will create iCal files for each resource, among other things.
When I choose this the application freezes/hangs indefinately... 3 minutes and counting. I only have 5 resources and maybe 60 tasks... I've had the same happen when exporting an iCal document also. What should I do?
Hmm...roughly how long is your project? I mean in calendar days.

If you'd be willing to send us a copy of your project, we can figure out why it's taking so long. If your document contains confidential information, OmniPlan can generate a generic copy for you to send us:

1) Open your file in OmniPlan
2) Choose "Send Feedback" from the Help menu.
3) Click the button to include your file
4) OmniPlan will generate a copy of your file, with all the task and resource names changed, and all the notes changed to x's. The file will get attached to an email.

5) Add a note in the email explaining that you're trying to export to iCal, and review the attachment if you'd like, to ensure none of your sensitive data is included. Then send it to us (
Thanks Lizard... I have now done this...

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