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Goal Organization (or Focus) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm making an effort to be more goal orientated and I'm hoping to use OF towards that end. My problem is organization of projects.

Currently I have folders for different areas of my life, mainly folders and subfolders for work and personal projects. I use folders so that I can quickly find different projects and I also use folders to help me focus on various project areas (when I'm not working with context focus).

Right now I'm wishing that there was a way to make project shortcuts. This would enable be to organize my work and personal projects under a larger goal that I am working towards. For example, the project would be organized under 'Work', but I would be able to use the shortcut to also put that project under a goal.

The easy answer is to just move that projects under a goal folder, but I really like (need) the specific organization based on the areas of my life.

Anyone else trying to work bigger picture goals into their OF set up? Any tips?
You might take a look at perspectives. There's a video here.

With perspectives, you could select projects from multiple folders, Focus on Selected Projects (in the View menu), and then save that as a perspective. Then you can view all the goal-related projects together, whether they're in your Work folder or not.

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