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Is iPhone Sync Full or Incremental? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
My OF DB on my Mac is 650K but it takes FOREVER to sync down to my phone!

For example, I change the due date on one action on my Mac and sync - no problem. I then go to sync my iPhone and it takes up to 5 minutes (good Edge connection at the time)

What's up?

If we're in a situation where both devices have added changes since the last phone sync, the phone ends up essentially re-building the database from scratch in order to merge in the changes from the other device. With the relatively slower processor on the phone, this can take several minutes. We're CPU-bound, not network-bound.

There are some optimizations we want to try in future builds, but for the time being you'll get much better performance if you try to ensure that changes are only happening on one device at a time. Sync changes from the mac to the phone before editing on the phone.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-07-16 at 10:18 PM.. Reason: forgot a period.
Make sense now - thanks for the info Brian!


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