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Planning in Context Mode Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Newbie here. When I'm in Context view I actually like to do much of my planning because sometimes I like to be able to see all the items in a particular Context while I’m adding Actions (or Projects to be) that have that Context. By default these my Actions are added to a Single Action List called ‘Miscellaneous'. When I try to create Sub-Actions for one of these Actions OmniFocus does not allow me. There for I can not promote the Action to a Project (whilst staying in Context View) unless I type or paste the Project name into the Project field which means instead of promoting that Action to a Project I create a New Project with that one Action inside it. I wish more planning could be done in Context View. When I’m viewing everything by Context I’m often inspired to create new Projects or start building Projects out of Single Actions but I can’t without go back to planing view. This kind of interrupts my focus. Always switching back and forth between the views. Anyone know what I’m saying or have any suggestions that might help me better use OmniFocus. Are there other threads that regard my thoughts? Much Appreciated! :-)


Last edited by LifeBoy; 2008-08-21 at 06:24 AM.. Reason: spelling
Well, one obvious suggestion: use two windows, one in project/planning mode to do the actual work, and another in context mode to see the contexts. Arrange them so you can see both simultaneously, as needed. File->New Window will get you another window.

I don't think it makes a lot of sense to be constructing projects in the context view, given that it is always trying to sort your actions!
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I don't think it makes a lot of sense to be constructing projects in the context view, given that it is always trying to sort your actions!
Even if you don't think it makes sense to construct projects in Context Mode I still think it would still be useful if you could quickly Turn an Action into a Project via Keyboard short cut while in Context Mode and have the Project title be the same as the Action title.

Originally Posted by LifeBoy View Post
Even if you don't think it makes sense to construct projects in Context Mode I still think it would still be useful if you could quickly Turn an Action into a Project via Keyboard short cut while in Context Mode and have the Project title be the same as the Action title.
Ah, so you want Edit->Outlining->Outdent to work like it does for things in the Inbox; outdenting an action there turns it into a project of the same name. I'm not quite sure why the Edit->Outlining commands are available at all in Context mode, as I have yet to find a situation in which I can get anything but an error message or an "I can't do that" beep, though they do change availability depending on what grouping options I've set...

In any case, your best bet for getting a change in the program's behavior is to use the Help->Send Feedback command in the program to ask. Requests posted to the forums aren't necessarily entered in their database for consideration.
In any case, your best bet for getting a change in the program's behavior is to use the Help->Send Feedback command in the program to ask. Requests posted to the forums aren't necessarily entered in their database for consideration.
Thanks for your help. :-)

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