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Problems with styles Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Inspired by some of the great examples posted in the forums, I started messing with the styles preferences and now I'm having problems :(. Of course, I forgot to save my current theme first, but that's by the bye.

My problem is that the styling of projects is changed depending on the status of the actions in the project, but there is no way to style both these separately. The attached picture will explain this better; 'Movies to Rent' is the style I want (thanks for sharing your theme, Curt!). However, the other two projects are not styled correctly (font is smaller, background is not grey). I think this is because neither of them have available actions (either no actions, or ones with start dates in the future).

Why does the project style not apply to these projects as well?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 1.jpg
Views:	2934
Size:	16.0 KB
ID:	687  
I think that's a function of status-based styles. The status-based styles seem to only add additional styling to the base style. The interface isn't really very clear about this. I'd suggested selecting the status-base styles and using the gear menu to Reset Selected Styles. Hopefully that will clear any "extra" style-based settings so that the regular project style "shows through" the style-based setting.

Thanks for the reply, Curt. I'm assuming it's the Blocked status-based style that's causing this, but resetting it defaults to the Action style, not the Projects style. It was worth a try.

I'm not adverse to fiddling with the actual ofocus-theme file, either, but haven't had a chance to work out exactly what each bit does (and whether I can solve the problem this way).
The Style pref pane may show the Action style, but do the Block projects show correctly? That's what I see anyway.

Hmmm.. I don't see that. Just to be sure I am understanding correctly, I have attached two screen shots.
The first shows that I have selected all the status-based styles and reset them.

Click image for larger version

Name:	Style prefs.jpg
Views:	2807
Size:	16.2 KB
ID:	690

This is the result. No joy.

Click image for larger version

Name:	Result.jpg
Views:	2794
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	691
Hrmm. Looks like a bug lurking somewhere. Maybe the bug is in the reset code. Have you tried resetting the status styles one at a time?

It doesn't look like the status styles are resetting for you, since my default status styles are Helvetica 12, not 13, and my blocked projects inherit all the project styles, but also get the light gray text indicating that they are blocked.

You might also try a full Style pref pane reset. Maybe only the full reset currently works. (And if you sort out where the bug is, be sure to use Help --> Send Feedback to report it.)

I don't really know how I fixed it, but I went back to a previous sneaky peek and the projects were styled correctly. Changing the Blocked status-based style means that Blocked projects now seem to inherit some of the project styles (font) but not others (font size). So, there is still a problem, but one I can live with. I will submit as formal feedback to OF.

Thanks again for the help, Curt.

Last edited by nomad_penguin; 2008-08-31 at 09:48 PM.. Reason: Reworded

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