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Cut-paste between layers Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When I cut an object from one layer and try to paste it into another layer on the same canvas, it gets pasted offset from it's original position. This is very annoying. Can the objects be please pasted in the same spot? The typical reason I'm moving it from one layer to another is because I put it in the wrong layer in the first place. So the position of the object is correct, and I'm just trying to keep things organized in layers.

I think when I copy-paste between canvases it does get pasted in the exact same spot, which is great.

While there isn't a dedicated "paste in place" (which would help out considerably here), a good workaround would be to show the Layer List sidebar, and Option-drag the object you want to a different layer.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
The other trick (that the support guys showed me a while back) is to select your objects and then right click on the layer and pick "move selection to layer". That moves it "in place".

If I realize I'm needing to do this with several objects (or things are a mess because I started working on the wrong layer), I'll hide the layer I am moving TO and then when I move objects, they are moved to the hidden layer and they disappear. It works for me, keeping things tidy while I'm moving several items around.


-- Morgan

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