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(Partial) OpenMeta support in OmniFocus – great or stinkin’? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi there,

I sent the e-mail below regularly, using the feedback function in OF. It was just a blurb occupying my brains, so, yeah. You get the idea.

I was quite surprised when I received an answer inside one hour from the Ninjas, asking whether other people feel like this? Hence this thread.

Here’s my rambling:

Originally Posted by Remember, it’s already night here where I live, so mind the language
Hi there,

are there any plans or wild ideas in the heads of the Omni people about OpenMeta support in OmniFocus? If not so, let me put this meme into your brains right now.

The way I see it, OpenMeta would enable OF to interact seamlessly with loads of info on a current Mac. Say, e-mails. Right now, MailTags support is in it to automatically fill in Projects and the like when adding a message to OF via the short-cut. But some People rather prefer „Tags“ to, well, tag stuff on their Mac, including e-mail. Anyway, MailTags will soon support OpenMeta anyway ...

„Leap“ and others will follow suit, too. Just imagine having ONE keyword for a whole project, and you can access everything from e-mail to materials to bills to OF tasks via this one keyword.

This is NOT one of those requests blurting about “give us TAGS NOW OR I’LL BUY THINGS!!!111+”. Actually, I’m not interested in general purpose tags in OF at all (it would play havoc with my GTD system). But interaction between applications is what makes Macs great for me. So, rather than developing loads of plugins for all possible kind of imports as you do now, why not put your money on OpenMeta and cover a potential plethora of them?

Yes, I am aware that OpenMeta is not Apple approved, actually a hack, and might die quicker than a roadrunner hitting a wall. All it takes is Apple to say NO WAY in Snow Leopard, remove xattr, and it might become difficult. But as the source code is open source, with no commercial restrictions in the license, perhaps as one additional plug-in to OmniFocus?

Just some thoughts I blurted out. Into my OF Inbox, I may add. Really handy software you guys made, worth every penny.

Cheers from Lower Saxony,
Derek asked others who feel similar about this thingy to use the Send Feedback function, too. So, yeah.

What do you think?

OpenMeta seems all well and good. But OmniFocus doesn't yet support tags, so at the current moment, I don't really see the point?

Maybe if 1.6 comes out and there's great tagging support but I'm sorta seeing a bit of an impedance mismatch at the mo' yeah?
I personally would be very keen to see openmeta tags in OF. I keep looking longingly at Things because it DOES have tags, and then come back to OF each time.

If/when tags are to be introduced then open meta would be very neat way to go (leaving aside the whole "is it safe" discussion).

One universal generic tag system would be a spectacularly powerful organisational tool, and openmeta is the best game in town.
Apart from the hack thingy, and OF lacking tags (right now?), the one thing I would love OpenMeta for right now is:

Tag documents with your customer’s name, and project, and “context”, use the same keywords in OF, and ey presto, ALL your stuff in one place when using the future versions of Leap or other tagging applications. Including OF tasks.

Right now, we have MailTags integration, so if I hit the quick entry key on a tagged mail message, the Project is filled in already. Handy. I would like to see this go further, say for documents I tagged in the finder and add them to a task.

The PM of OmniFocus asked me through the ninjas for further information how I would see an implementation working. Unfortunately, my wife died only on Friday, so I simply don’t have the time or energy for this right now. So if you guys have some ideas how you would like to see this implemented in OF, please drop the Ninjas a line. I will do so later.

Count me in on OpenMeta tags. I too would like the ability to link items from several different programs, and OpenMeta seems to be the best game in town at the moment. Really, all I need is for OpenMeta to be able to "read" (if that's the right word) the project and context as tags, so that if I search for "tag:[projectname]" I will see the OF tasks along side any other items, such as email, documents, etc.

This would be a big help to me in my quest to ba able to link all the items in a project, and seems to me like it would be pretty easy to implement.

Please, Omnigroup?
My “use cases” and implementation ideas went out to the Ninjas a moment ago. I suggest you guys do the same, if you’re interested in it. :)

As long as it can be disabled in Preferences, I'd be fine with it. Having used Things, Tags & Together for some time I've ended up reversing out completely and using Path Finder and an improved structure for my file system. IMO, extended usage of tags can create its' own problems in terms of additional management of data. Also, isn't OpenMeta still lacking support from Apple? I know there was a debate a while back about whether it was a 'hack'?
Does anyone know if better tagging is going to be implemented in Snow Leopard? I have read a number of different rumors, including a (much needed, IMHO) upgrade to the Finder. This would certainly impact OF, OpenMeta, etc. Just curious.
Originally Posted by wdiadamo View Post
Does anyone know if better tagging is going to be implemented in Snow Leopard?
I don't think anyone really knows except the OS X developers at Apple. And anyone with reliable inside information is likely going to keep it to themselves.

Having said that, though, I would be very surprised if the OS X team at Apple hadn't at least considered the idea. So who knows? Personally, I don't think we'll see it in Snow Leopard, but maybe 10.7.

As for OpenMeta, this thread puts wide developer acceptance in question. It's not clear if important design issues are being addressed.

OpenMeta Is a Hack

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
I don't think anyone really knows except the OS X developers at Apple. And anyone with reliable inside information is likely going to keep it to themselves.

Having said that, though, I would be very surprised if the OS X team at Apple hadn't at least considered the idea. So who knows? Personally, I don't think we'll see it in Snow Leopard, but maybe 10.7.

As for OpenMeta, this thread puts wide developer acceptance in question. It's not clear if important design issues are being addressed.

Just a note: The developer of Default Folder X is fully supporting OpenMeta and posted a lengthy monologue on his reasons why at this link:

We have been waiting for a solution to this problem for a long time and now was the time for us to do something. We are building a robust, stable, and application-independent system for every developer to be able to use. We look forward to any participation from the awesome folks at OmniGroup if they decide to support this initiative.


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