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What to do when note text, rather than attachments, slows sync? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've used the Clip-o-tron liberally so I'm sure that I have a large attachment here somewhere that is slowing down my syncing. Any way to find them easily? I have 300-400 actions so it would take quite a while to go through all of this and find the offending one.

Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
From this we'll get the task idref of "iyRXSc7CL9C" and search for that to find the actual name of the task so we can search for it in the document:

Now we know the name of the task ("send email to describing problem"), and can search the entire OmniFocus document (don't forget completed items!) for it.
This is helpful, but....

When I did this I found out that the largest files are my "contents.xml" files. In other words, it's not the attachments.

Now what to do?

Ok, I did that but found out that the "contents.xml" file was the biggest one in the list (4.3MB).

Not quite sure what to do with that. I think it may be, after looking at it, that some of the text of the emails that I clipped are contained in there as notes. Since they are not just text, but html emails, it looks like there is a ton of extra characters there.

Any thoughts?

Do you use the File->Archive command (or the equivalent manual process) to get rid of your old, completed stuff? How many actions do you have in your database? You can run Dennis' script to get that and other stats. It would be interesting to know what the average size of an action is in your database -- maybe the problem is that you've got a ton of text in the notes, not as attachments. That would be a headache!
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Do you use the File->Archive command (or the equivalent manual process) to get rid of your old, completed stuff?

How many actions do you have in your database?
between 300-400 at any given time.

You can run Dennis' script to get that and other stats. It would be interesting to know what the average size of an action is in your database -- maybe the problem is that you've got a ton of text in the notes, not as attachments. That would be a headache!
I think that is the problem. I copy the text of of messages (emails) into the note field. I also keep my notes there as I work on the action.

Okay, maybe it wouldn't be a complete headache. Assuming you've extracted your contents.xml file, you could do the following:

cat contents.xml | grep "<text>" | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | awk '{$1=""; print $0 }' > lines.txt

Then use your favorite editor to look at lines.txt and find the biggest notes fields (they should be sorted in descending size). The biggest note won't necessarily be the longest note as displayed in OF.

Finally, an excuse to play with OmniGraphSketcher! Here's a graph of note size (log 10) in my database...
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	distribution.png
Views:	1147
Size:	29.8 KB
ID:	975  
Okay, combined posts from the two threads and moved them to a new location, since this could affect either version of the app.

If Bill's suggestion doesn't work, I'd recommend contacting the support ninjas so they can consult with Them What Write the Code, who may have some tricks up their sleeves. (I'm working remotely and am a couple of time zones out of sync with the home office, or I'd consult with them for you...)

Last edited by Brian; 2009-07-01 at 03:42 AM..

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