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Default Font Size Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I find the default font size for some of the objects in the stencil to be too big.

Is there a way to change this globally?

I don't know much about stencils - but is it possible to change this directly on a stencil shape?

On this same note - I do alot of small, idea type diagrams. I am constantly attaching labels or meta-information to the objects. I find the 'notes' option in the latest version to be nice.

Is there a way I can drag an object onto the canvas and if I begin typing - have the typing apply to the object? If I am clicking and moving lots of objects and having to double click or move my mouse elsewhere on the screen it can become a bit tedious.

And finally - speadsheets have the ability to hover over a cell and a comment can be made to appear. Understandably, drawing programs do not do that today - but is there a way to do that in Graffle? Otherwise, I find myself constantly selecting and deselecting objects as I roam around my many small idea diagrams looking at the meta-info I've attached to the objects.

Love the product. Its behavior portrays a great sense of pen and paper.


Last edited by lutherbaker; 2008-08-31 at 04:02 PM..
Hey Joel - can you just confirm that there is or isn't a way to change the default text size. If I drag a circle from the top toolbar - the font size for text in that circle is 12pt - but if I just open the font dialog out of the blue (with nothing selected) the font dialog is set to 10pt.

Is there a way to make the 10pt actually be the default?

Thanks much,

If you inspect the Text Tool and change the font size there, that should carry over to the Shape Tool and Pen Tool and change their defaults as well.

Option-click the Text Tool to inspect it, or select that option from the tool's drop-down menu.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

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