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saving to omnifocus cache Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Looking for a little help. Every time I add new content to a column I get the little sign that says saving to omnifocus cache and a spinning wheel. Really slows things down. Is there anything I can do about this?

That graphic only appears when it takes longer than half a second or so to write to the OmniFocus database - is it stored on a remote server or something? If that's not the case, I'm surprised that you're seeing that message so frequently. Contact the support ninjas and we'll be happy to assist.

I sync OmniFocus on my home and work Macs. I'm usually not at work on the weekends, and by late Sunday my OmniFocus file at home gets pretty big. That's solved every Monday when I get to the office and sync, but on Sundays I start seeing that cache message a lot.

Do you recommend that I stop syncing over the weekend and restart every Monday? This should solve the cache delays, but I'm not sure if repeatedly unsyncing and resyncing would cause problems.

Hmmm. That message has to do with writing to the OmniFocus database on that particular machine, not with syncing. I suppose the absence of syncing over the weekend will cause more zip files to build up, but I wouldn't expect that to cause the message unless your database was pretty large.

Have you ever used the "archive old data" command? If not, there may be a large number of completed actions that are still stored in your database. I guess it's possible that could eventually cause the cache writes to bring up that message.

If you've never used it, I'd suggest trying that on your home machine - it'll move older completed actions over to a second database that isn't synced to the work machine. (I have a recurring item in OmniFocus that reminds me to use this once a month.)

If that doesn't resolve those messages, as an experiment, if you leave OmniFocus running over the weekend on your work machine, does the message still show up on Sunday?

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