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Tables with Horizontal Lines (but not Vertical Lines)? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to create a vertical table (a series of rectangles stacked on top of each other) and display only a horizontal stroke between each rectangle (row)?

In other words, it is possible to "turn off" the vertical strokes of a rectangle, but keep the horizontal strokes?
Probably want to be sure to send that question directly to the ninjas to be sure of getting an answer. Help->Send Feedback or email
I don't think so.

Have you tried drawing two or more horizontal lines (whatever distance apart, as per your requirement) and then grouping them together, or grouping them with a single table (the top-most).

It is hard to imagine what you want, from your description.

Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-11-08 at 02:48 PM..
Actually, there is a built-in shape in the Lines and Shapes Inspector called "Parallel Lines" that does exactly what you're asking for here.

Just draw any shape, and with it selected click on the Parallel Lines shape (it's in the third row down from the top, fifth element from the left) in the lower portion of the inspector.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Ah, that does the trick, Joel!

Curious as to why there isn't also a "Vertical Parallel Lines" shape. Hopefully it will be added in a future version.

Thanks again.
DerekAsirvadem, thanks for the response. I was hoping to avoid the use of multiple objects grouped together. Joel had the answer I was looking for, although it would be nice to be able to "turn off" lines or sides of an object on a case-by-case basis.
My pleasure.

Re Turning lines on/off: Just making sure you know a bit about working with shapes:
• ensure you use two clicks not double-click
• select a group (rectangle + lines)
• select one shape/line within the group (eg. one line)
• change any property of that shape/line
• including Deleting it and moving it
• while remaining in the context of the group
OG works well (consistently) with levels, eg. a group made up of groups:
• one click to select outer group
• second click selects a group one level down or "in"
• third click selects shape/line inside that group

Thus, we have basic turning lines on/off by deletion or property change.

To change a shape/line off (truly off as distinct from deleting it), select everything (fill, stroke, text colour, etc) as white, with an opacity of zero.


Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-11-11 at 02:42 AM..

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