Originally Posted by minato2
But what, you now ask, if there was another inferior of Bill (let's call him 'Ben') that The Bride didn't know of? Well, until she recognizes that Ben is another inferior of Bill, she still thinks that she killed all of Bill's inferiors, and she would therefore also check (1) as 'done' manually (if she had to, because her OmniFocus wouldn't check it off automatically).
When does she recognize there is another inferior of Bill?
When she is looking at contexts she would see this:
kill Vernita Green
grocery shopping
kill O-Ren Ishii
pick up ammunition
kill Elle Driver
kill Budd
She completes all those actions.
When she is doing her weekly review she sees this action group.
kill Bill's inferiors
She thinks... can I complete this action? Is there anything else I need to do to mark this complete?
This gives her pause. She thinks... have I killed Bill's inferiors? Then she remembers, wait no, there is another inferior. Ben. She adds Ben to her action group.
The root of this is the nature of planning in project view and completing in context view.
When a user is in context view, the actions are separated from the project. When I am in context view, I'm not thinking about the project I am in. I am thinking about the one action I need to complete.
The suggestion for changing the system that has been talked about is this.
In the context view, Uma sees this.
completed -kill Vernita Green
completed -grocery shopping
completed -kill O-Ren Ishii
completed -pick up ammunition
completed -kill Elle Driver
kill Budd
She completes that last action and the action group would show up in the context view:
kill Bills inferiors
At this point she can think... is there anything else I need to do to complete this action?
wait, there is, I need to kill ben.
She switches over to project view and adds another child action.
kill Bills inferiors
-kill Ben
she switches back over to context view and sees this
kill Ben
she completes that action and sees this
kill Bills inferiors
she thinks, is there anything else i need to do to complete this?
then she completes
kill bills inferiors