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Documents don't remember window position Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When I reopen a saved document, it doesn't open in the same position where I saved it. It seems to fall in with the cascading of new documents (which incidentally starts in a weird place, not in the top left). I tried creating a new document with 1.0b6, saved and reopened it, but the behavior was the same. I guess window state is not fully honored yet.
Works fine here, with one proviso - Omniplan doesn't appear to recognise window position as a change, so doesn't prompt you to save if the only change was in window position - if I do an apple-s or file/save then the document remembers the position of the window from that save, not from quitting the application.

(if that ^^ makes any sense)
It's actually a bug in b6, got broken somewhere along the way. Don't know if it occurs for everyone, but none of my document windows open in the correct position.
Originally Posted by Stormchild
It's actually a bug in b6, got broken somewhere along the way. Don't know if it occurs for everyone, but none of my document windows open in the correct position.

Same here. It opens down low on the display.
Yup. I've seen it too. I just filed a bug.

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