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German localization problems in OF 1.6 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a "small" complaint.
There´s a bug in 1.6.
The sync to the iphone calendar has lost it´s localization.
I use OF in german but the configuration dialogue and all entries are in english.


Last edited by Ulmisch; 2010-01-11 at 12:29 PM..
Originally Posted by Ulmisch View Post
There´s a bug in 1.6.
The sync to the iphone calendar has lost it´s localization.
I use OF in german but the configuration dialogue and all entries are in english.
I'm sorry for the trouble this is causing! Can you give us more detail on what you're seeing? I did a fresh install of OmniFocus from the App Store on my phone. When I start OmniFocus up, the attachment below shows what I'm seeing.

Can you let me know if I'm looking at the correct screen to reproduce the problem?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	photo.jpg
Views:	1220
Size:	43.9 KB
ID:	1228  

Last edited by Brian; 2010-01-12 at 05:06 PM..
Your picture doesn't seem to have come along for the party...
Weeeeeeeeird; it's visible on my machine, but not on the machine in the office next door.

I'll get 'er figured out.

Edit: previous versions of the forum software would let you upload an attachment, then use that URL in an image tag. Looks like a recent update caused that to stop working. Not sure it was an intended feature in any case.

Last edited by Brian; 2010-01-12 at 05:07 PM..
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I'm sorry for the trouble this is causing! Can you give us more detail on what you're seeing? I did a fresh install of OmniFocus from the App Store on my phone. When I start OmniFocus up, the attachment below shows what I'm seeing.

Can you let me know if I'm looking at the correct screen to reproduce the problem?
Hi Brian,
you got it. After a restart my dialogue looks the same. As you see the notification setting is not in german and so are the items in ical.
They are called: "due: Itemtext".
As i said, it´s just a small thing.....
Wow. I can't believe I missed the "5 minutes" sitting right in front of me!

Writing that up as a bug; thanks for sticking with that one.

Edit: will work on reproducing the problems of the item names in iCal, as well. I'll post here if I need more info.

Last edited by Brian; 2010-01-13 at 06:32 PM..
Originally Posted by Ulmisch View Post
the notification setting is not in german and so are the items in ical.
They are called: "due: Itemtext".
Okay, I'm back.

Wanted to make sure I'm looking at the correct spot in iCal. I switched my phone to German, exported the calendar, then subscribed my phone to the calendar.

When I open that calendar, I'm seeing the expected event names. Am I looking in the right spot? I don't see "item text" anywhere...

Edit: oh, wait. I see - "Due" isn't right. Okay, filing that. :-)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	photo.jpg
Views:	1183
Size:	49.3 KB
ID:	1229  
Just to add some more flaws:

If possible, "Erinnerungszeitpunkt" should be hyphenated: "Erinnerungs- zeitpunkt", so hopefully the word isn't wrapped so awkwardly as it is now.

The same applies to "Gekennzeichnet" on the main settings screen ("Gekennzeich- net").

Also, the button "Install Safari Bookmarklet" needs to be translated ("Safari-Bookmarklet installieren").
next issue:
if you change the option to show the next actions in contexts the counters in context view are not translated (e.g. "2 next actions" instead of "2 nächste Aktionen").

If you would need help in translation let me know...
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Foto.jpg
Views:	1230
Size:	44.5 KB
ID:	1233  

Last edited by Ulmisch; 2010-01-16 at 12:52 AM..
first of all:
thx for 1.6.1 i really appreciate your pace and quality in developing Omnifocus!

Most of the localization bugs are gone. Great!
Nevertheless i have a proposal for the calendar export:
in 1.6. calendar entries had the format "due: actiontext", even in the german version.
In 1.6.1 you have solved the localization bug here, but now the entries have the format "Fälligkeitsdatum: actiontext".
This format is much to long for the iPhone display.
Would you change this to "fällig: actiontext" or make it customizable?
(Personally i do not need the prefix)


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