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OmniOutliner 2 may become a workhorse. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
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I've had OO and OO for the iPad for years but have not used it much. I spend more than 95% of my time on the iPad. There were a few huge deficiencies that kept me from using it regularly. The most important was the export capability.

With OmniPresence that was partially fixed in that it was easy to get the document to my MBP and export it into Word docs, etc. But it was still less than optimal as I'm am rarely on my MBP. The new export functions in OO iPad 2 fix that. I can use OO whenever and wherever I want and know that I can share that document in stadard formats with people who don't use OO, as well as move it into Pages and continue writing in a word processor on my iPad.

That was my number one roadblock to greater use of OO. Another big change is the new document management. If I am going to use OO extensively I am going to end up with a lot of documents. Managing those and finding the things I need was a problem with the old system. This is a definite improvement.

There are two smaller enhancements that I really like. The keyboard shortcuts are one. The ability to use shift-tab to outdent is great. It has been a minor hassle to be able to use the tab key normally but then have to use the software arrow to outdent. This is much more natural. The other is the templates. I have a couple of templates that I created and use to start outlines but this is a big improvement in capability.

This looks like a very big upgrade to me. Worth the cost.

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