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Trying to come up with a style theme but couple of issues Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hope this hasn't been posted elsewhere. I tried a search but found nothing.

I'm trying to create a theme and almost all is well but there are two instances in which I can't change the background color / font details. Please see the two attachments.

1. I can't find the option to change the style for actions that have no context (Test and Test 2 actions) - I'd like the background of those actions to be black also.

2. The inbox does not seem to follow the background settings for everything else.

3. Also, will there be an option to change the color of the toolbar?

Thanks so much in advance for any insight. Hope these features are built in somewhere and I'm just overlooking them.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture-1.jpg
Views:	885
Size:	73.7 KB
ID:	754   Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture-2.jpg
Views:	841
Size:	55.8 KB
ID:	755  
I think you'll find that the answer to most of your needs is to change the styling for blocked actions. Certainly anything without a context is a blocked action, and most things in the Inbox won't have a context. Anything in the Inbox that does have a context assigned should follow the normal main outline styling.

I can't help with the toolbar color...
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I think you'll find that the answer to most of your needs is to change the styling for blocked actions.
Thanks! Can't believe I missed that one.

Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Certainly anything without a context is a blocked action, and most things in the Inbox won't have a context. Anything in the Inbox that does have a context assigned should follow the normal main outline styling.
Still doesn't seem to follow the main outline styling. Seems like it's using a different type of styling that has the diagonal lines behind it. Hmm..

Thanks again for your reply
Why don't you post what you have of your theme so far, maybe someone else can figure it out?
I suspect we didn't think to let you style the background of the Inbox. You can email our Support Ninjas a feature request for that. (
You do seem to be able to style the background color, but you can't eliminate or change the color of the diagonal lines, which were no doubt intended to differentiate the Inbox from the other projects when you are in Project mode and have both selected. Unfortunately, the spaces between Inbox items which in my opinion look fine in the default styling look rather ugly if you change the background color! (No, I don't really want to make my Inbox background this color, but it looks okay in the rest of the program)

Wow, that's a serious shade of green you've got going there, whpalmer4. :)

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Wow, that's a serious shade of green you've got going there, whpalmer4. :)

Makes it easy to tell where it is and isn't being applied, doesn't it :-) The default colors looked so washed out in the little pop-up that I wasn't sure I'd be able to spot them!

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