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After Startup: Can't drag stencils to diagram Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just started having this problem with OG that my (perhaps feeble) searches didn't find a reference to on the forums:

I start the app, it comes up with a blank diagram and the Basic Stencils. I can click on stencils, but I cannot drag them to the drawing.I'm seeing this error in Console:
2007-02-07 14:36:08.899 2007-02-07 14:36:08.899 OmniGraffle Professional[5345] CoreDragCreate error: -4960
I've tried removing prefs, removing stencils, etc and nothing seems to fix this. Is there a workaround? Any help appreciated, my OG is dead in the water...

Can you tell me what version of Graffle and OS X you're running?
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Joel and I worked out the issue with some emails. In the interest of public knowledge for anyone else this happens to, here's my last email:

Well, you were definitely right on - something was borked with the OS X's drag/drop subsystem. After rebooting, the problem cleared itself up completely. I totally apologize for wasting your time; the only excuse I'll offer is that my "if it's broke - reboot" reflex has completely atrophied since I 'switched'! I can't remember the last time I rebooted instead of sleeping...

Thanks again for the great support for great products!


P.S. Is OmniFocus ready yet? How about now?? Are we there yet, are we there yet??? ;)

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