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Toolbar Search Field feature request Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

Great work on 5.5, SP 15 has been very stable for me.
I have a long standing request that I didn't see mentioned in the forum (i think).

When browsing in a Tab, I often will do a google search in the Toolbar while wanting to remain in the current Tab. In Safari/Webkit, and Camino I can enter a term in the Toolbar search field and do a "hold command+hit return" keystroke to open the results in a new background Tab. This seems more fluid to me than OmniWeb's current method which forces you to Open a new Tab and then execute the Toolbar search as separate actions.

This would be a great addition to OmniWeb, Is it possible that this will appear when a newer version of webkit is incorporated into 5.5?

I'd never tried that before, but that does seem very intuitive. I mostly use the search shortcuts through the normal address bar to do all my searching, and the command-return trick works there just fine. So for example, to do a Google search for iPod, I'll type "g iPod" into the address field and do command-return. So, in the meantime, perhaps that method would work for you as well.
Great idea!

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