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Keyboard shortcuts Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've been searching high and low (or is that hi and lo?) for the shortcut to invoke the quick entry panel. A number of threads imply it exists, but no one has mentioned it. Is there one?

And... to keep this thread going, how about folks adding other shortcuts.
Keyboard shortcut for quick entry is set up in the " preferences " for the app.. I' already changed it so I forget what the default was , but if you'll click "omni-focus " then preferences or cmd , you'll find it ..

I'm not sure what else you're asking for , all the other keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the corresponding command in the menu .
The default is...
Originally Posted by ext555
Keyboard shortcut for quick entry is set up in the " preferences " for the app..
I'm not sure what else you're asking for , all the other keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the corresponding command in the menu .
I think it was a brain fart! I must have looked half a dozen times at the preferences page and never saw it.

thanks. Now I need a stickie to remember this until I use it enough that it becomes etched in my brain.

As for other shortcuts... I've been using Lightroom a lot and that product has shortcuts up the waz... I thought OF might have some undocumented ones (well, I supose it's all undocumented at this point).

Last edited by pvonk; 2007-07-01 at 03:03 PM..
I'm hanging out for a shortcut to jump between projects or contexts on the left (depending on the mode) and actions in the right-hand pane. I know it is in the works and I'll be a happy Focuser when I grab a new build and find that one in there.
On a related note, I've been trying to figure out a way to enter more than one task in Quick Entry if I have "Return should also save and exit" enabled in the preferences. It would be nice to be able to enter more than one item at a time. Is there a keyboard combination that allows for creating more than one entry without having the window disappear? I feel like there's something really obvious that I'm missing.
You could always turn off "Return should also save and exit" and use Cmd-S to save and exit. That frees up Return to create a new item.

Originally Posted by Tony
On a related note, I've been trying to figure out a way to enter more than one task in Quick Entry if I have "Return should also save and exit" enabled in the preferences. It would be nice to be able to enter more than one item at a time. Is there a keyboard combination that allows for creating more than one entry without having the window disappear? I feel like there's something really obvious that I'm missing.
Shift-return does it.
I knew it was something obvious. Thanks!
Is there a keyboard shortcut for create Context?

I can't seem find this anywhere. It's not on the structure menu, and I've done a search through the forum and couldn't find it. Was there ever any discussion about it, or is there a reason for leaving it out? Add Action, Project, Folder, Singleton, Child, and Aunt all have shortcuts...why not Context?

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