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Any pencil to use curve to fit multi-point or polygon like excel drawing Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am new in omnigraffle in ipad.
Can anyone know that there is any pencil to use curve (not use freehand) to fit multi-point or polygon like excel drawing LIKE the following attachment?

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	CurveFitSomePoint.jpg
Views:	1247
Size:	20.9 KB
ID:	1693   Click image for larger version

Name:	CurveFitSomePoint_2.jpg
Views:	1246
Size:	15.0 KB
ID:	1694  

Last edited by hkcity1111; 2010-12-21 at 05:34 PM..
As far as I know, you can't do this with a shape, but you can do it with a connector line.

1.) Make some straight connector somewhere on the canvas
2.) Double tap somewhere on the line you just created to add one midpoint or more, then move them around
3.) With the polygon selected, tap the info button, select "Line", and pick the second of three options (the button with a curve on it)

That'll produce curves like what you attached, but again, you won't have a fillable shape or anything, just a simple curve. You *can* however connect to this line, like to all connectors.
Let me try. Thanks.

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