I notice many postings regarding the challenges/problems associated with getting iOF to sync using WebDAV. However, I haven't seen as many problems with using MobileMe posted in this forum. I wonder what the breakdown is in users employing a WebDAV solution vs. MobileMe.
Personally, I have been a MobileMe/.Mac user since the iTools days, so it was easy for me, and I have had relatively few problems with syncing between 2 Macs and my 1st gen iPhone, especially once the MobileMess got sorted out over the weekend (thanks for the free month, Apple).
For those of you up and running with iOF syncing to a Mac, are you using MobileMe or WebDAV?
Personally, I have been a MobileMe/.Mac user since the iTools days, so it was easy for me, and I have had relatively few problems with syncing between 2 Macs and my 1st gen iPhone, especially once the MobileMess got sorted out over the weekend (thanks for the free month, Apple).
For those of you up and running with iOF syncing to a Mac, are you using MobileMe or WebDAV?