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adding hyperlinks to text Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am probably missing something very simple and obvious, but can not seem to find a way to add hypertext links to text.

Can it be done in Graffle or do you have to do it outside and paste the linked text in?

You can add hypertext links to objects with in the properties-->actions inspector. (see pic)

I believe you'd have to simulate a text link by making a separate object that has the text in the colour you want, etc. and giving that object an action to jump to a url

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OmniGraffle Professional-3.jpg
Views:	1999
Size:	16.2 KB
ID:	905  
Hyperlink actions can only be applied to objects as a whole, and unfortunately not to a particular string of text. However, if you know your text isn't going to be changing and flowing around much, you can create a shape with no fill and no stroke with the needed action on it, and place it over the text you want.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Or you can do what Joel said ;-)

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