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Omnioutliner file corrupt after downloading from FTP site. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello All,

This is my first time on this forum. I've been using Omnioutliner for a few years now and this is the first time I've run into a problem. I'm hoping someone can help. Here is the scenario.

I uploaded the OmniOutliner .oo3 file to my FTP site. When it stored on the FTP site it shows as a folder, not a file. I can click on the folder on the FTP site and view the contents.

When I download the folder from the FTP site back to my Mac it shows as an OmniOutliner file, with the OmniOutliner file icon and the .003 extension.

When I try to open it I get a message indicating that OmniOutliner does not recognize the file as a valid OmniOutliner 3 file.

Can anyone tell me if there is anyway to avoid this and also is there any way I can repair the corrupted file so it can be read by OmniOutliner.

If the extension is in all caps, it's quite possible the file inside was renamed in caps as well. Right-click on the file and select View Contents and rename the contents.xml file to be in all lowercase "contents.xml". If that doesn't fix it, you can send the file to us at and we'll see if it can be recovered and hopefully figure out what happened.
Thank you. At a glance it does not appear the extension or the xml file were modified. I'll send you one of the files.

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