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Requires Authentication Every 15 minutes?! (Driving Me Crazy) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
So OF is always open on my Mac and like every 15 minutes it asks for my SwissDisk username and password...even though after everytime of putting in my info I make sure to click on "Remember in Keychain."

Any advice? This is driving me bonkers.


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Originally Posted by HappyDude View Post
So OF is always open on my Mac and like every 15 minutes it asks for my SwissDisk username and password...even though after everytime of putting in my info I make sure to click on "Remember in Keychain."

Any advice? This is driving me bonkers.


It really feels a lot longer than it actually has been, since this is still happening and driving me crazy.

It asks for my info every half an hour or so.

Any help? Please.
I would try deleting any relevant items from the keychain, running Keychain First Aid, and then try syncing again. Alternatively, set up OF in a freshly created account on your machine and see if it works any better there. I have used SwissDisk successfully with OmniFocus, so don't give up, it can be done!
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I would try deleting any relevant items from the keychain, running Keychain First Aid, and then try syncing again. Alternatively, set up OF in a freshly created account on your machine and see if it works any better there. I have used SwissDisk successfully with OmniFocus, so don't give up, it can be done!
Thank you for replying.

I did exactly what you mentioned regarding keychain, but nothing, same problem persists.

Then I did a fresh OF but same problem.

I noticed that quitting OF and then opening up the program again it always asks for my username and password when i try to sync.

That and in keychain access it recognizes that I just created a password for swissdisk but /...nothing. . . . .iono. odd.
What do you mean by "a fresh OF"?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
What do you mean by "a fresh OF"?
Backed Up my database, then i got rid of OF completely on my Mac, then redownloaded it and put in my license again and started fresh. Before I synced I restored my database...then did the swissdisk stuff in sync, but the same situation persists.
Yeah, you should try it in a freshly created user on your Mac, so there isn't any question about whether you've got some odd setting in a preference somewhere. For that matter, you could grab a fresh SwissDisk account for the experiment.

Also, I'm a little puzzled by the "every 15 minutes" part -- does it keep asking even if you aren't actively changing things in OmniFocus? Are you sure it is OmniFocus that is asking you to authenticate? OmniFocus should only be accessing the server hourly if you aren't making changes, and you can see when it will next attempt a sync by looking at the Sync preferences.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Yeah, you should try it in a freshly created user on your Mac, so there isn't any question about whether you've got some odd setting in a preference somewhere. For that matter, you could grab a fresh SwissDisk account for the experiment.

Also, I'm a little puzzled by the "every 15 minutes" part -- does it keep asking even if you aren't actively changing things in OmniFocus? Are you sure it is OmniFocus that is asking you to authenticate? OmniFocus should only be accessing the server hourly if you aren't making changes, and you can see when it will next attempt a sync by looking at the Sync preferences.
Regarding the 15 minute thing, at first it kept asking me for the user name and password very frequently, about ever 15 minutes but exact. This would happen whether or not I was using OF, whether or not I had been using the program at all (but it was open, as it normally is.)

Then after doing the fresh install and creating a new Swiss Disk account OF on my Mac only asks for the username and password upon first opening up the program. Luckily this isn't as much as a problem and I am willing to put up with it....but that's where I currently stand on it.

Keychain Access remembers the newly created Swiss Disk username and password as entered in and i've just changed a setting in there..and...

oh wait!!!

It now works! Without even asking for username or password at login, I just messed with the setting after clicking on "get info" in keychain access clicking at the swiss disk account. OF was a program checked as being able to use the password but there was a box checked asking something along the lines of "ask for password" or something...i've just lifted all restrictions on the swiss disk account on keychain access.

Seems to have done it!

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