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Right Click a context to add a subcontext Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This functionality doesn't seem to be there, it seems I have to create a new top-level context and then drag it to another context to do this. I use nested contexts quite a bit, e.g.

--> Delegated

I am frequently creating new subcontexts and the way I have to do it seems a little bit backwards to me. Does anyone else agree?
I've never seen any mention of right-click on a context doing something special. Where did you see this?

To directly create a new subcontext, select the parent context in the sidebar and click the + at the bottom of the sidebar. Type the name of the new subcontext (it will already be selected) and hit return. Maybe there's a way to shave a click off of that process that I'm unaware of, but it seems like even the most context-happy user is going to spend a very small fraction of their time making new contexts, so that shouldn't be much of a burden.
Ah right I hadn't figured it out that the + sign would create the context at the required level. It's not documented that a right click on a context should allow you to create a new subcontext, it just seems to me that it should ... especially as you can create a new context at the top level with a right click. Right clicking on a context to create a subcontext would be a nice feature, it seems more natural to me than selecting a context and then going to the bottom of the window and pressing the + sign.
I guess what seems more natural depends in large part on what you did first. You can create top-level contexts with that same + sign by not selecting anything; selecting something first just identifies a different parent. Both OmniPlan and OmniOutliner have a similar +/-/actions setup in that general vicinity, too.

If you think you've got a worthwhile feature/enhancement request, send email to or use Help->Send Feedback.
Note that the 'make new child' and 'make new aunt' keyboard shortcuts (command-} and command-{, respectively) work in the sidebars just like in the content outline.

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