Originally Posted by JKT
You an use the System Preferences>Keyboard and Mouse>Keyboard shortcuts settings to modify the shortcut, fwiw.
I wish that feature actually worked consistently. I have tried creating shortcuts for menu items several times using the built-in method in System Preferences, and they generally do not work.
For example, I wanted the shortcut to "zoom" the iTunes window (i.e. toggle the full window / mini player) to be Ctrl-Z (instead of the default Ctrl-Command-Z). I set it up in System Prefs, relaunched iTunes, and although it showed my new shortcut in the menu itself, the shortcut does not work unless I click to open the menu first, and then press the shortcut keys -- which is obviously completely stupid and useless.
That's how it has always worked since these were added in 10.3 (or was it 10.4?), and I was disappointed to find they are still broken in 10.5 too.
Has anyone had better success with these than I have?