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Importing Data Into OmniFocus Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm finding the inability to import data from rival programs is making OmniFocus a heavy sell to other people. At the moment I get them to download the free trial of OmniOutliner as an intermediary but surely it would make commercial sense to add the same import facilities to OmniFocus so it would be easy for users of other To Do/GTD packages to crossover? I also use iMindMap and the weird but wonderful iMandalArt for blue sky thinking and it would be a major plus if OmniFocus supported the import of OPML data from these Apps. Anyone else feel the same way? If so, please email the Support Ninjas with this as a feature request!
Which other programs, to be specific? There are AppleScript solutions on the forum for a handful of the better-known competitors that are themselves scriptable.
Thanks for the info. whpalmer4, appreciate it. The common ones seem to be Evernote, Remember The Milk and Things. I hadn't thought of searching for scripts but then my end users are not exactly computer-literate so I'm not sure how comfortable they'll be with a scripting solution. I'm currently using an OPML editor and then manually copying-and-pasting to OmniFocus. It just seems a shame that Omni has included a range of import/export options for OmniOutliner but not for OmniFocus.
There's a Things to OmniFocus script at and a thread on how to install and run scripts at

I haven't investigated RTM or Evernote in any depth, but got the impression that both required rolling your own GTD system, and so expecting a canned importer to be able to do something useful is perhaps asking a lot...

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