Apologies if this question has already been posted, but I have not been able to find anything while searching the forum. I'm using OmniGraffle 5 beta, which I have configured to open the "Blank" template at startup (default behaviour). However, there are some customisations I would like to make to that template, such as disabling the canvas pane, enabling the grid and making objects snap to grid. I have tried to access the template to make these changes and then save it, but I have not been able to locate that file. I've had a look at ~/Library/Application Support/OmniGraffle/Templates, but that folder is empty. I also tried to locate the template inside the application package, again, to no avail.
I would be grateful if somebody could push me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance!
I would be grateful if somebody could push me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance!