For cases which need more flexibility than the Curved Block Arrow stencils, the following script can be adapted to generate block arcs with arrows at both ends, and/or circles of single-line arrows.
(Probably helpful to select the generated shapes and use Edit > Shapes > Make Custom Shape)
(Probably helpful to select the generated shapes and use Edit > Shapes > Make Custom Shape)
property pTitle : "Make Circles of N Block Arrows" property pVer : "0.07" -- Copyright © 2010, Robin Trew -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, -- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR -- ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES -- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; -- LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, -- WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- ver 0.05 Takes account of any rotation of the template shape to determine where first arrow starts -- ver 0.06 Corrects radius of non-block arrows (when inner or outer fit has been specified) property pstrHelp : " Number Number of arrows a=N Number of arrows w=N width of block arrows h=true|false header arrow ? t=true|false tail arrrow ? b=true|false block arrows ? r=c radius=corner r=e radius=mid edge f=i fit=inside f=o fit=outside f=m fit=mid arrow ? Help " property pstrPrompt : "Number of arrows ? Width of block arrows ? Head and or tail arrow ? Block arrows ? (or simple line arrows) Circle radius: to corner of shape ? to mid-edge of shape ? Circle fit: fits inside shape ? fits outside shape ? covers edge of shape ? HELP ? (enter a question mark) " property plngArrows : 4 property plngRadius : 150 property pblnBlockArrow : true property pArrowWidth : 20 property peMidEdgeRadius : 1 property peCornerRadius : 2 property peInnerFit : 1 property peOuterFit : 2 property peMidArrowFit : 3 property pRadiusMatch : 2 -- peCornerRadius property pFit : 2 -- peOuterFit property pArcAnglePoints : 0.25 property pHeadArrow : true property pTailArrow : false property pstrLineArrowHead : "FilledArrow" property plstLineArrowColor : {1.0, 0.0, 0.0} property prLineArrowThickness : 2 property pblnLineArrowShadow : true property plstBlockArrowLineColor : {34081, 38505, 51776} -- User data keys (adjust if they happen to clash with keys already in use) property pGap : 1 / 400 property pDeg : 180 / pi -- FUNCTION: -- CREATES A CYCLE DIAGRAM, IN WHICH A SET OF SHAPES ARE LINKED IN A CIRCLE -- BY ARC ARROWS on run tell application id "OGfl" activate set oShape to self try oShape on error if my isFullScreen("OGfl") then set oWin to window 2 else set oWin to window 1 end if if id of oWin < 0 then return set lstSeln to selection of oWin if length of lstSeln < 1 then display dialog "First position, size, and select a rectangle, then run again." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title pTitle & " ver. " & pVer return end if set oShape to item 1 of lstSeln end try set strReturned to "?" repeat until strReturned ≠ "?" tell oShape set strDefault to "arrows=" & (plngArrows as string) & space & "w=" & pArrowWidth & " h=" & pHeadArrow & " t=" & pTailArrow & " b=" & pblnBlockArrow if pRadiusMatch = peCornerRadius then set strDefault to strDefault & " radius=corner" else set strDefault to strDefault & " radius=edge" end if if pFit = peInnerFit then set strDefault to strDefault & " fit=innner" else set strDefault to strDefault & " fit=outer" end if try tell (display dialog pstrPrompt default answer strDefault with title pTitle & tab & pVer) set strReturned to text returned end tell on error return end try set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, " "} set lstParts to text items of strReturned set lngParts to length of lstParts if lngParts < 1 then return set my text item delimiters to dlm set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "="} repeat with iPart from 1 to lngParts set strPart to item iPart of lstParts set lstKeyValue to text items of strPart if length of lstKeyValue = 2 then set {strKey, strvalue} to lstKeyValue if strKey begins with "a" then try set plngArrows to (strvalue as integer) on error display alert strvalue & " could not be read as an integer" return end try else if strKey begins with "h" then try set pHeadArrow to strvalue as boolean on error display dialog strvalue & " could not be interpreted as a boolean value ..." return end try else if strKey begins with "t" then try set pTailArrow to strvalue as boolean on error display dialog strvalue & " could not be interpreted as a boolean value ..." return end try else if strKey begins with "w" then try set pArrowWidth to strvalue as number on error display dialog strvalue & " could not be interpreted as a number ..." return end try else if strKey begins with "b" then try set pblnBlockArrow to strvalue as boolean on error display dialog strvalue & " could not be interpreted as a boolean value ..." return end try else if strKey begins with "r" then if strvalue begins with "c" then set pRadiusMatch to peCornerRadius else set pRadiusMatch to peMidEdgeRadius end if else if strKey begins with "f" then if strvalue begins with "i" then set pFit to peInnerFit else if strvalue begins with "o" then set pFit to peOuterFit else set pFit to peMidArrowFit end if end if else if strPart begins with "?" then display dialog pstrHelp buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title pTitle & " ver. " & pVer else try set plngArrows to (strPart as integer) on error display alert strpars & " could not be read as an integer" return end try end if end if end repeat set my text item delimiters to dlm if plngArrows < 1 or plngArrows > 100 then display alert "Number of arrows must be in range 1-100 ..." return end if if strReturned ≠ "?" then set oCanvas to its canvas set automatic layout of layout info of oCanvas to false set {rX, rY} to origin set {rWidth, rHeight} to size set rRotn to rotation -- DETERMINE RADIUS AS A FUNCTION OF radius type and fit type if rWidth ≥ rHeight then set plngRadius to (rWidth / 2) else set plngRadius to (rHeight / 2) + pArrowWidth end if if pRadiusMatch = peCornerRadius then set plngRadius to ((rWidth / 2) ^ 2 + (rHeight / 2) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 else if rWidth ≥ rHeight then set plngRadius to (rHeight / 2) else set plngRadius to (rWidth / 2) end if end if if pblnBlockArrow then if pFit = peInnerFit then set plngRadius to plngRadius - pArrowWidth / 2 else if pFit = peOuterFit then set plngRadius to plngRadius + pArrowWidth / 2 end if end if set lstCenter to {rX + rWidth / 2, rY + rHeight / 2} set rTheta to rRotn set rDelta to 360 / plngArrows set rNext to rTheta + rDelta -- DRAW A CURVED ARC (ARROW) BETWEEN EACH SUCCESSIVE PAIR OF SHAPES repeat with i from 1 to plngArrows set oArc to my MakeArc(pblnBlockArrow, lstCenter, plngRadius, rTheta, rNext, ¬ pArrowWidth, pArcAnglePoints, pHeadArrow, pTailArrow, oCanvas) if oArc is not missing value then tell oArc --set value of user data item pstrArcData to "{From:" & idLast & ", To:" & idNext & "}" set idArc to its id end tell end if set rTheta to rNext set rNext to rTheta + rDelta end repeat end if end tell end repeat end tell end run -- CENTER, RADIUS, FROM DEGREES, TO DEGREES, WIDTH, -- BEZIER POINTS PER DEGREE OF ARC, HEAD ARROW, TAIL ARROW on MakeArc(pblnBlockArrow, {rX, rY}, rRadius, rFrom, rTo, rWidth, rPointsPerDegree, blnHeadArrow, blnTailArrow, oCanvas) -- (CURRENTLY A SIMPLE FUNCTION OF THE ARROW WIDTH) set {rStart, rEnd} to {rFrom, rTo} if pblnBlockArrow then -- CALCULATE THE LENGTH OF ANY ARROWS if (blnHeadArrow or blnTailArrow) then set rArrow to (rWidth / (pi * rRadius)) * 180 if blnHeadArrow then set rEnd to rTo - rArrow if blnTailArrow then set rStart to rFrom + rArrow end if end if -- AND THE AMOUNT OF ARC WHICH IT TRAVELS set rArc to rEnd - rStart if rArc < 0 then set rArc to (rEnd + 360) - rStart -- HOW MANY POINTS WILL WE USE TO DRAW THE SHAFT ? set lngPoints to (rArc * rPointsPerDegree) as integer if lngPoints > 0 then set rDelta to rArc / lngPoints if pblnBlockArrow then set oGraphic to BlockArrow(oCanvas, {rX, rY}, rFrom, rTo, rStart, rEnd, rDelta, lngPoints, rWidth, blnHeadArrow, blnTailArrow, rRadius) else set oGraphic to ArcArrow(oCanvas, {rX, rY}, rFrom, rTo, rDelta, lngPoints, blnHeadArrow, blnTailArrow, rRadius) end if return oGraphic else return missing value end if end MakeArc on ArcArrow(oCanvas, {rX, rY}, rFrom, rTo, rDelta, lngPoints, blnHeadArrow, blnTailArrow, rRadius) set rTheta to rFrom set lstPoints to {} repeat with i from 1 to lngPoints set end of lstPoints to {rX + (rRadius * (sin(rTheta))), rY - rRadius * (cos(rTheta))} set rTheta to rTheta + rDelta end repeat set end of lstPoints to {rX + (rRadius * (sin(rTheta))), rY - rRadius * (cos(rTheta))} -- property pstrLineArrowHead : "FilledArrow" -- property plstLineArrowColor : {1.0, 0.0, 0.0} -- property plngLineArrowThickness : 2 -- property pblnLineArrowShadow : true tell application id "OGfl" tell oCanvas set recStyle to {draws stroke:true, thickness:prLineArrowThickness, draws shadow:pblnLineArrowShadow, stroke color:plstLineArrowColor} if blnHeadArrow then set recStyle to recStyle & {head type:pstrLineArrowHead} if blnTailArrow then set recStyle to recStyle & {tail type:pstrLineArrowHead} set oLine to (make new line with properties {point list:lstPoints, line type:curved} & recStyle) end tell end tell return oLine end ArcArrow on BlockArrow(oCanvas, {rX, rY}, rFrom, rTo, rStart, rEnd, rDelta, lngPoints, rWidth, blnHeadArrow, blnTailArrow, rRadius) -- GET THE INNER AND OUTER RADII OF THE BLOCK ARROW set rW to rWidth / 2 set {rRadOut, rRadin} to {rRadius + rW, rRadius - rW} -- COLLECT THE POINTS FOR THE OUTER AND INNER FLANKS OF THE ARROW set {lstOuter, lstInner} to {{}, {}} set rTheta to rStart repeat with i from 1 to lngPoints set {dX, dY} to {sin(rTheta), cos(rTheta)} set end of lstOuter to {rX + (rRadOut * dX), rY - rRadOut * dY} set end of lstInner to {rX + (rRadin * dX), rY - rRadin * dY} set rTheta to rTheta + rDelta end repeat set {dX, dY} to {sin(rTheta), cos(rTheta)} set end of lstOuter to {rX + (rRadOut * dX), rY - rRadOut * dY} set end of lstInner to {rX + (rRadin * dX), rY - rRadin * dY} -- MAKE HEAD AND/OR TAIL ARROWS IF REQUIRED set {lstHead, lstTail} to {{}, {}} set {rInnerBarb, rOuterBarb} to {rRadius - rWidth, rRadius + rWidth} -- TAIL ARROW ? if blnTailArrow then -- inner barb, tip, outer barb set lstTail to {{rX + (rInnerBarb * (sin(rStart))), rY - rInnerBarb * (cos(rStart))}, ¬ {rX + (rRadius * (sin(rFrom))), rY - rRadius * (cos(rFrom))}, ¬ {rX + (rOuterBarb * (sin(rStart))), rY - rOuterBarb * (cos(rStart))}} end if -- HEAD ARROW ? if blnHeadArrow then set lstHead to {{rX + (rOuterBarb * (sin(rEnd))), rY - rOuterBarb * (cos(rEnd))}, ¬ {rX + (rRadius * (sin(rTo))), rY - rRadius * (cos(rTo))}, ¬ {rX + (rInnerBarb * (sin(rEnd))), rY - rInnerBarb * (cos(rEnd))}} end if -- JOIN THE SHAFT TO ANY ARROW TIPS set lstPoints to (lstOuter & lstHead & reverse of lstInner & lstTail) -- GATHER THE POINTS IN THE TRIPLET FORMAT EXPECTED FOR CUSTOM SHAPES set oFirstPoint to item 1 of lstPoints set lstBezier to {oFirstPoint, oFirstPoint} repeat with i from 2 to length of lstPoints set oPoint to item i of lstPoints set lstBezier to lstBezier & {oPoint, oPoint, oPoint} end repeat set end of lstBezier to oFirstPoint -- AND RETURN A CUSTOM SHAPE tell application id "OGfl" tell oCanvas to set oShape to make new shape with properties {point list:lstBezier, draws stroke:true, stroke color:plstBlockArrowLineColor} set notes of oShape to "From " & rFrom & "º" & return & "To " & rTo & "º" end tell return oShape end BlockArrow -- If Lion is running, are we in full screen mode ? on isFullScreen(strAppID) tell application "Finder" to set blnPreLion to (version < "10.7") if blnPreLion then return false else tell application id "sevs" set lstApps to application processes where creator type = strAppID if length of lstApps < 1 then return false set lstWins to windows of first item of lstApps if length of lstWins < 1 then return false return value of attribute "AXFullScreen" of item 1 of lstWins end tell end if end isFullScreen -- on sin(rDegrees) -- (do shell script "echo 'echo $((sin(" & (rDegrees / 180) * pi & ")))' | ksh") as number -- end sin -- -- on cos(rDegrees) -- (do shell script "echo 'echo $((cos(" & (rDegrees / 180) * pi & ")))' | ksh") as number -- end cos -- -- on sin(rDegrees) -- (do shell script "echo 's(" & (rDegrees / 180) * pi & ")' | bc -l") as number -- end sin -- -- on cos(rDegrees) -- (do shell script "echo 'c(" & (rDegrees / 180) * pi & ")' | bc -l") as number -- end cos -- BASIC TRIG FUNCTIONS PUBLISHED BY OTHERS -- COULD USE THE KSH SHELL, BUT THESE ARE PROBABLY FASTER ... -- Trig functions from: -- on cos(x) -- degrees local myCos, numerator, denominator, factor set myCos to 0 if (x = 90) or (x = 270) then set myCos to 0 else set x to (x - (((x / 360) div 1) * 360)) * (pi / 180) set {myCos, numerator, denominator, factor} to {0, 1, 1, -(x ^ 2)} repeat with i from 2 to 40 by 2 set myCos to myCos + numerator / denominator set numerator to numerator * factor set denominator to denominator * i * (i - 1) end repeat end if return myCos end cos -- -- ---------------------------- on sin(x) -- degrees local mySin, numerator, denomintator, factor set mySin to 0 if (x = 180) or (x = 360) then set mySin to 0 else set x to (x - (((x / 360) div 1) * 360)) * (pi / 180) set {mySin, numerator, denominator, factor} to {0, x, 1, -(x ^ 2)} repeat with i from 3 to 40 by 2 set mySin to mySin + numerator / denominator set numerator to numerator * factor set denominator to denominator * i * (i - 1) end repeat end if return mySin end sin
Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-02-25 at 03:21 AM..