[Please note: This is an archived post from 2008! You might want to check the current OmniFocus FAQ instead. — Ken]
The First Post is links to useful threads.
The Second Post is Questions and Answers.
This thread is intended to keep track of the best discussions on the OmniFocus forums, help new users get some common questions answered, and help *ahem* focus the conversation on topics that the community cares about.
Please feel free to reply to this thread with items you think should be included, items that should be omitted, or any topic changes.
Finally, many of these threads are not exactly organized as they grew organically. If you have the desire to summarize any of these subjects into a new thread, I'll be happy to give it first billing in its topic of choice.
Thanks for using OmniFocus!
OmniFocus manual in PDF format
License Questions
GTD Best Practices Discussisons
Project and Context Mode Questions and Usage
Installing & Running an OF applescript
Useful AppleScripts and other Cool Stuff
Priorities and OmniFocus
OmniFocus and iCal/Calendars
OmniFocus, actions with multiple contexts, and tagging/metadata
Repeating Tasks
Other Feature Requests
OmniFocus syncing on multiple computers
Clipping Service
Notifications (Growl)
Styles: Color, Font, Size
The file 'OmniFocusMetadataImporter' is in use.
OmniOutliner Differences
OmniFocus manual in PDF format
License Questions
Transitioning from other task management apps
GTD Best Practices Discussisons
Project and Context Mode Questions and Usage
Useful AppleScripts and other Cool Stuff
First, read this forum: OmniFocus Extras
OmniFocus and Priorities
OmniFocus and iCal/Calendars
OmniFocus, actions with multiple contexts, and tagging/metadata
Repeating Tasks
Other Feature Requests
OmniFocus syncing on multiple computers
Clipping Service
note: for clippings to work you must have something selected in the app you are trying to clip from.
Notifications (Growl)
Styles: Color, Font, Size
Sending tasks via email
The file 'OmniFocusMetadataImporter' is in use
OmniOutliner Differences
The First Post is links to useful threads.
The Second Post is Questions and Answers.
This thread is intended to keep track of the best discussions on the OmniFocus forums, help new users get some common questions answered, and help *ahem* focus the conversation on topics that the community cares about.
Please feel free to reply to this thread with items you think should be included, items that should be omitted, or any topic changes.
Finally, many of these threads are not exactly organized as they grew organically. If you have the desire to summarize any of these subjects into a new thread, I'll be happy to give it first billing in its topic of choice.
Thanks for using OmniFocus!
OmniFocus manual in PDF format
License Questions
GTD Best Practices Discussisons
Project and Context Mode Questions and Usage
Installing & Running an OF applescript
Useful AppleScripts and other Cool Stuff
Priorities and OmniFocus
OmniFocus and iCal/Calendars
OmniFocus, actions with multiple contexts, and tagging/metadata
Repeating Tasks
Other Feature Requests
OmniFocus syncing on multiple computers
Clipping Service
Notifications (Growl)
Styles: Color, Font, Size
The file 'OmniFocusMetadataImporter' is in use.
OmniOutliner Differences
OmniFocus manual in PDF format
License Questions
Transitioning from other task management apps
GTD Best Practices Discussisons
- Creating Review Templates in OmniFocus
- How do I use "Waiting For" or "@waiting"?
- Someday/Maybe
- basic q re stalled projects
- How to deal with tasks/actions involving multiple people?
- Using single-action projects
- GTD vs ZTD and OmniFocus
- How are we using the reviews?
- Review?
- GTD versus getting things done
- The Tickler Context
- Non-OF Question: My contexts rarely vary
- Context Lists for IT
- today/soon/this week
Project and Context Mode Questions and Usage
- I really want a context-based project viewer/selector
- Sorting Tasks Within Project
- Boolean expression, tagging and filtering
- Set view bar memory per project
- Context View not showing non-project actions?
- What I got done today
- view all due on date
- Parallel or not parallel Tasks (and how to do this using action groups)
- Project-centric sorting
- Should projects count toward badges?
- Sequential Projects
- How does one view all projects, except completed ones?
- Difference between Groups, Projects and Folders
- upgrading a project to a folder?
- Shortcut to convert an inbox item into a project?
- Key Command Reference [Shortcuts]
- Update Perspectives menu option
- OmniFocus HowTo: Printing an ‘on the go’ task list this post describes creating a custom perspective among other useful tips/
- Making the start and due date columns visible
- Perspective Specific Toolbars
Useful AppleScripts and other Cool Stuff
First, read this forum: OmniFocus Extras
- Installing & running an OF applescript
- OmniFidget, the OmniFocus Dashboard Widget
- Make iCal Events from Selected/Flagged OmniFocus Actions
- Script to create a calendar view of your frontmost OmniFocus window (in iCal)
- AppleScript to add tasks in a particular context to iCal for notifications
- Using Anxiety as a Heads-Up Display for OmniFocus
OmniFocus and Priorities
OmniFocus and iCal/Calendars
- Why OmniFocus doesn't incorporate a calendar view
- Make iCal Event from Selected OmniFocus Action
- Script to create a calendar view of your frontmost OmniFocus window (in iCal)
- AppleScript to add tasks in a particular context to iCal for notifications
- Trouble Syncing with iCal?
- Time Visualization and Calendar Preference
OmniFocus, actions with multiple contexts, and tagging/metadata
Repeating Tasks
Other Feature Requests
OmniFocus syncing on multiple computers
- OmniFocus Syncing Forum
- List of free WebDAV sync providers
- Warning from Omni: iDisk Sync can report false conflicts
- Could someone explain how to move OF to a new mac?
- privacy
Clipping Service
note: for clippings to work you must have something selected in the app you are trying to clip from.
- Clippings with FireFox instead of Safarinote: Sadly Firefox doesn't appear to support Services or even rich text copy & paste.
Notifications (Growl)
Styles: Color, Font, Size
Sending tasks via email
The file 'OmniFocusMetadataImporter' is in use
OmniOutliner Differences
Last edited by Ken Case; 2012-10-05 at 03:51 PM.. Reason: Added a link to the current OmniFocus FAQ