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Context menu to set subprojects to parallel/sequential doesn't work Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
For example:
- I create a project (sequential) with two tasks, each of which contain two subtasks
- By default the subtasks (or subprojects) are sequentially executed - right click, 'Parallel' isn't ticked
- I want to make one of the subprojects parallel - right click title, tick 'Parallel' - but nothing happens
- If I want to make a subproject parallel I have to go on to click the Parallel/Serial button for the parent project twice

i.e. the context menu for setting 'Parallel' for a subproject doesn't quite finish the job.

IMHO the subprojects/tasks side of OF needs an overhaul. When I click on a subproject I expect the inspectors to allow me to set things like parallel/sequential status.
Originally Posted by md2017
For example:
- I create a project (sequential) with two tasks, each of which contain two subtasks
- By default the subtasks (or subprojects) are sequentially executed - right click, 'Parallel' isn't ticked
- I want to make one of the subprojects parallel - right click title, tick 'Parallel' - but nothing happens
- If I want to make a subproject parallel I have to go on to click the Parallel/Serial button for the parent project twice

i.e. the context menu for setting 'Parallel' for a subproject doesn't quite finish the job.
Works for me. The tasks of a parallel subproject within a sequential project are not available unless the subproject is the first incomplete item within the sequential project. For example:

- Sequential Project
    - Action 1
    - Parallel Subproject 1
        - Action 2
        - Action 3
    - Parallel Subproject 2
        - Action 4
        - Action 5
    - Sequential Subproject 3
        - Action 6
        - Action 7
Initially only Action 1 is available. Complete Action 1 and Actions 2 and 3 become available. Complete both of those, plus Parallel Subproject 1, and Actions 4 and 5 become available. Complete both of those, plus Parallel Subproject 2, and Action 6 becomes available.

Thanks curt, the logic works when I can persuade the subprojects to switch from sequential to parallel or back but the only way to do this is to toggle the parallel/sequential status of the parent project. The GUI is partly broken.

Using 89106 here.

Originally Posted by md2017
Thanks curt, the logic works when I can persuade the subprojects to switch from sequential to parallel or back but the only way to do this is to toggle the parallel/sequential status of the parent project. The GUI is partly broken.
Ah, I bet you're running into the known bug about formatting actions in subprojects. The subproject is switching from parallel to sequential, but the contained actions aren't being re-styled.

To confirm, (1) switch a subproject from sequential to parallel; (2) select the first action in the project; (3) press 'd' then 'u' to swap the positions of the first two actions and swap them back. Step (3) should trigger to re-highlighting of the subprojects elements.

I hope this bug gets fixed soon. It also crops up when checking off an action in a subproject. Because of the bug I've gotten into the habit of only checking off actions from project view. That's frustrating, but is part of the cost of living inside alpha software.

That's it! Thanks Curt. Has this bug been reported formally?

Do you think there is any chance of subprojects getting their own

parallel/serial button?
Originally Posted by md2017
That's it! Thanks Curt. Has this bug been reported formally?

Do you think there is any chance of subprojects getting their own

parallel/serial button?
I've reported the bug. But additional reports might help the Omni gurus with prioritization. (I'm not sure of that. There's the tradeoff of additional data versus additional time to process the reports. Maybe someone from Omni would like to chime in here?)

There has been a lot of conversation on the forums about eliminating the false dichotomy between projects and subprojects, a.k.a., action groups. I'm with you, as is most everyone else whose spoken up. I haven't seen an argument as to why it makes sense to treat them differently.


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