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How do you handle with goals in OF? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'd like to know what is the best way to track the goals in OmniFocus? To write down every annual/monthly goal like single project in specific folder, or to have goals-project with particular actions, or to set up empty project with all the goals in its note field?
Please share your experience.
If you want to work with goals on a per-month or per-week basis then you could go two ways:

a) make folders for each month in which you put your goal in form of a project under which you then add the tasks necessary to achieve that goal. That requires of course that you do check the folder for the current month regularly to make sure you are up to date about the tasks you put in there. You could, for example, focus on it.

b) Put the goals down in the form of projects like above, but not inside a "month-folder". Then add a due date to the project itself, for example 31st of the month you want to do it in or Sunday the week you want to finish it. That way OF reminds you of the necessity to finish it. It does so a while before the actual due date you entered. How long before, you can define in settings under "due soon means...". For example one week before the actual due date.

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