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Project templates ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello there ! I'm starting to use Omnifocus and I might have missed it, but I don't see a way to make pre-defined templates for my new projects.

Many of the projects I follow share a common format. SuperProject A has such and such task to be completed sequentially, and when SuperProject B comes in, I'd like to just select "SuperProject" in a templates list at creation time and find automagically most of the tasks pre-defined. Of course, I might then have to add, delete or tweak a couple, but most of my new project's architecture will be already there.

So far, I'm duplicating projects to achieve the same effect, but this has many drawbacks (need to have a similar project up to duplicate, notes within a task will be duplicated while they are not relevant to the new project, etc...).

Did I miss something, or should I go in the "features requests" thread ? :)


I could use this feature as well, but it is not available at this time.

I know there is a script that will do this, but I just use a hidden folder to keep my templates in. I have a fold "Templates" (which is labeled "Dropped" so I don't have to see it all the time). In there I keep my barebones template with no notes or due dates or any other specific info. When I need to use the template, I arrange the view bar to see Dropped project, find my template and either option-drag and drop or copy and paste it where I need it.

It works for my limited use of templates, but I could see this as being rather cumbersome if you need to use templates constantly.

I don't see how a template is going to be any better than the duplication method. I have a folder called Templates that houses a few different project templates that I use.
I've got a script based solution. It works like what Eric and Joe are doing, with the addition that the script can automatically adjust relative due dates and fill in "placeholders" in the templates. For example, you can have a template for "Attend conference <conf name> in <city>", and automatically fill in the blanks consistently for all the actions in the project.

The script is freely available from my software page. Documentation is included.

Thanks for the suggestions. Indeed, a folder with "blank" projects to duplicate is the way to go if OF does not support templates. And I'll take a look at the script (yeah, got a lot of conferences to attend to, so naming them is quite usefull !)
well, after trying several solutions, I must admit nothing is really up to the task. Built-in templates support in OF would really, really be useful :(
This is one of the things on our to-do list; use the send feedback item under the help menu and the support ninjas can add a vote for this feature to the appropriate spot in our development database. Thanks!
What do you need that Curt's templates don't provide? The only thing I've found wanting in my use of them is the lack of a way to specify that some action starts some period of time after some other action completes, and that's functionality that just isn't present in OmniFocus at the moment. That's not to say that built-in templates couldn't be better, but you haven't really told us what would make built-in templates better for your needs.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
What do you need that Curt's templates don't provide?
It's mainly a matter of presentation : with the script, the templates are regular projects marked "inactive" that need to be duplicated, which I find confusing : if they're not "real" projects, they don't belong here.

I feel templates should be only defined in a Preferences menu (add/remove/edit template) and then available in the project's creation menu as a simple drop-down list that would allow to select a template (that list defaulting to "none" of course).

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