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How to group tasks by Folder in Context mode Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all

Suppose I have that project folder structure


So what I am trying to do is create perspective that show me key tasks for today (I marked such task with red flag). I want context mode perspective of that structure:

----task1 Pr1
----taks2 Pr2
----task3 Pr3
----task4 Pr6
----task6 Pr5

Is it possible to do such perspective with applescript or with help of other tools

If I'm understanding your issue correctly, you should be able to flag the items you want to see in project view, switch to context view, and then use
View -> Grouping -> Project
View -> Flag Filter -> Flagged

in the menu bar to get the view you're looking for. Does that help at all?
In your case task will be grouped by Project, not by Folder.

But I don't wonna to see projects, instead I wonna to see tasks grouped by Folders and inside each Folder group wonna to see whem grouped by Context.
Originally Posted by aler View Post
In your case task will be grouped by Project, not by Folder.

But I don't wonna to see projects, instead I wonna to see tasks grouped by Folders and inside each Folder group wonna to see whem grouped by Context.
I don't think you can do that. But if you need it split up by folder, why not just have a perspective per folder of your regular context view, selecting only one folder's worth of stuff? To do this, go to project mode, select a folder, focus on that with the toolbar focus button (if you have it there) or right-click to bring up the contextual menu, or View->Focus... or ctrl-cmd-F. Then switch to context mode, set your view settings as desired (I would suggest group by context, sort by project) and save as a perspective.
Oh, sorry - I didn't explain myself fully enough! There's no option to group-by-folder (though you can mail the ninjas to request it), but group-by-project starts at the top of the list and works towards the bottom in the same order you see in the sidebar of Context view.

In other words, my suggestion puts the actions all in the same order you're requesting; the grouping is just a bit different. Definitely mail the support ninjas, though, and we'll make sure to record the request to group by folder.
There is also an applescript to export to OmniOutliner in the extras forum. I would think that would be a good start for getting an output that is grouped two levels deep.

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