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Drag linked image downloads the image Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It's annoying that if you drag an image from an OW window to the desktop, and that image has a hyperlink, you get an internet shortcut on your desktop, not the image. This is unlike every other browser I've used.

I know this behavior can be avoided by shift-dragging, but I would venture a guess that most users, if they are going to drag an image to their desktop, want to download the image. I request that this become the default, and shift-drag would download the URL shortcut, since this is less frequent.

If reversing the behavior is not in the cards, I request that it become a preference, even a "hidden" one.
Why not just use the contextual menu and move your mouse less (assuming you have a mouse)?: Image > Download Page to [downloads folder]

Also, shift-dragging images with links (like the OMNI icon above) doesn't download the image for me but gives me a link to the image rather than the link the image points to.
Originally Posted by afb
Why not just use the contextual menu and move your mouse less (assuming you have a mouse)?: Image > Download Page to [downloads folder]
For me, I don't want to download it. I want to drag into the Photoshop icon. (And I just noticed shift-dragging doesn't let me do that.)

That said, there's a fine line between dragging a text link and an image link. It's very difficult for most people to tell the difference sometimes. People who are dragging links are probably less familiar with page construction than people who drag images.
I didn't know about the shift-drag. I guess that's a bug then.

I hadn't thought of dragging images to Photoshop. Dragging an image from Camino to the PS icon doesn't do anything, but it does what you describe in Safari. Dragging from both though onto an open PS document works as expected. It also works from OW with a shift-drag.

(The Safari drag to the PS icon works because it opens the cached image on disk.)
The incorrect shift-drag was brought up in a thread on the early sneaky peeks. Is it not in the known issues list? Answering myself - yes it is.
Originally Posted by JKT
The incorrect shift-drag was brought up in a thread on the early sneaky peeks. Is it not in the known issues list? Answering myself - yes it is.
Yeah, but "unexpected results" doesn't give much of a definition. Plus I wasn't reporting it as a but ;)
Well, I still want to be able to download an image to my desktop by dragging it there. It's very mac-like behavior, and it's otherwise universally supported.

The context menu takes too long to use, and requires either a multi-button mouse or a key-press. Drag to desktop is one click (and drag).

Plus I have my downloads folder set to one place, but I don't want to put the image there.

PLEASE PLEASE fix this. So much in OW is so mac-like and intuitive, and this is a glaring error, IMO.
Originally Posted by Handycam
I know this behavior can be avoided by shift-dragging, but I would venture a guess that most users, if they are going to drag an image to their desktop, want to download the image. I request that this become the default, and shift-drag would download the URL shortcut, since this is less frequent.

If reversing the behavior is not in the cards, I request that it become a preference, even a "hidden" one.
I absolutely agree. :) It follows the Safari behaviour and adds the OmniWeb spin; Shift-dragging to get a URL in another app, or Web Location file in the Finder.

There's real value in being able to drag the link, but IMHO the most 'intuitive' behaviour would be, as Handycam says, the image drag by default.
Originally Posted by afb
(The Safari drag to the PS icon works because it opens the cached image on disk.)
...and it's a handy feature, indeed! :)

I'd also like to see OmniWeb doing the same, if possible.
So no one else things it would be confusing for most users by having links that sometimes drag and images that sometimes drag, when using the same action? I really don't think most people can tell the difference between a text link and an image link.
Originally Posted by Forrest
So no one else things it would be confusing for most users by having links that sometimes drag and images that sometimes drag, when using the same action?
You're right, it is, and so too could be dragging some images successfully, and others not.

Originally Posted by Forrest
I really don't think most people can tell the difference between a text link and an image link.
So I guess the question comes down to what would most people expect to happen in this situation? What do people do more of, dragging images, or dragging links? I'm not sure, but I tend to think 'images', in this context at least.

As an aside, while not perfect, consider that you can follow a link, and drag the URL from the title bar, or the location field.

...and of course, conversely you can control-click on the image to save it... stalemate perhaps? ;)

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