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A while before the alpha came out, we were talking about various printing features we wanted in OmniFu.

As of now, the printing engine still contains nothing but the standard commands.

Anyone else eager to get some printing bells and whistles? I'd really like to print my Errands contexts to 3x5 cards for my HPDA.

I totally agree -- I would like some amount of tweakability in terms of paper size (3x5!), font size (appropriate to a 3x5 card), and page breaks (between projects?).

-- Aimee
Printing is pretty limited.

I would like to control the size of the font, the layout and such. Right now it is all over the place and things get cut off.

I'd also like to throw in my two cents for better printing options (I was about to post my own thread anyway).

It'd be great to be able to print from the context list with a page break between different contexts - or at least some sort of intelligent ordering. Right now the only way to get them all is to select the Context parent folder - but then it prints as a flat list and there is no way to determine what contexts the actions belong to. It would be great to see the same sort of outline structure you get in project view.

I've been printing out project lists which is less than ideal, but at least I get all the information i need. Even then:
  • I lose context titles after 5 characters or so,
  • the top/bottom margins are shockingly big (together they take up almost half the height),
  • and the page breaks don't have any issues occuring right in the middle of a line of text.
I love omnifocus, and use it heavily to organize my thoughts - but I can't fully dive into it until I can take some of these lists on the go. Its especially useful since my biggest context is "Brainstorm" and I can get a lot of that done when I have short chunks of downtime away from my laptop.
Originally Posted by CrzyMke View Post
It'd be great to be able to print from the context list with a page break between different contexts - or at least some sort of intelligent ordering. Right now the only way to get them all is to select the Context parent folder - but then it prints as a flat list and there is no way to determine what contexts the actions belong to.
Oh! Show the View Bar, then change the grouping from "Ungrouped" to "Context". Is that what you were hoping to see? (We intend for that to be the default setting, ultimately.)

And yes, we are planning to spruce up printing in general soon.
What would be neet would be to be able to export a perspective or a context view as a text file. Then we could print it whatever way we like, transfer it as a note on an iPod, put it on the desktop background with Geektool, and so on.
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Oh! Show the View Bar, then change the grouping from "Ungrouped" to "Context". Is that what you were hoping to see? (We intend for that to be the default setting, ultimately.)

And yes, we are planning to spruce up printing in general soon.
I'm glad I was digging through the forums before giving up. I really need to be able to print my Next Actions by Context and was ready to give up on OF even though I love everything else about it. Now I think I have a lifelong relationship ahead of me. :)
I've been able to print 3x5 cards with no problems. Go to File > Page Setup, then Paper Size > Manage Custom Sizes. Set up your 3x5 cards there. Now, if you're printing from OmniFocus and want Index Cards, choose your custom made size from the Paper Size menu in Page Setup.

While I agree pagebreaks and more control will certainly be welcome, I'm just glad that it works. I usually turn off start/due/duration columns so that the task column isn't so squashed.

Last edited by Cottser; 2007-11-23 at 02:42 PM..
I've got no problem printing to 3x5 index cards (just create a custom size under Page Setup).

BUT I can't get any of the action items within a project to print--just the project name without any of its items.

Am I missing something obvious OR is this not yet possible in the beta? Without being able to print a list of items for each project, there's not much point to printing anything out yet.

There is a bug with obeying the page setup options for expansion right now; I've not diagnosed exactly what is going wrong, but you might be able to work around this by setting it to expand all rows when printing (on the Page Setup sheet).
CTO, The Omni Group

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