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Search-based location contexts stopped working? [A: Google changed results they send; fix incoming.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
For the last few months I've had a location based context named "home depot OR Lowe's" and when I'd look in the map I could see that I had tasks to do there. Starting the other day, that feature stopped working. The only tasks that show up seem to be the ones that have an exact location.

Did I miss or change a setting somethere?

You didn't miss anything. It appears that Google has changed something on their servers. We are still investigating the situation, so we don't know yet if or when we'll be able to fix it.

Sorry about that!
Good to know this is a known issue. I thought I was going crazy.

It's a loss of a very useful feature…and a frequent Merlin Mann monologue.
Latest version of OF-iPhone/iPad.
If I search for the address for Macy's,
the first suggestion is for the Macy's
in Angono, Phillipines. Unfortunately
I'm in the midwest US. The other
suggestions are in the northeast US.
If I set the context to search, I
get no hits in the map perspective.
Same behavior for other local searches.
Previously defined definite addresses
still work, and Google maps works fine.
Wow. Pretty broken.
I put in a support request, but this
is pretty bad. Anybody else seeing this?
It turns out to be a known issue introduced recently by changes by Google to Google Maps, as I found out very promptly from one of the ever-helpful support ninjas.
I really miss this feature
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
You didn't miss anything. It appears that Google has changed something on their servers. We are still investigating the situation, so we don't know yet if or when we'll be able to fix it.

Sorry about that!
How is the investigation going? Any updates?
Took a bit, but we've contacted the appropriate folks at Google, negotiated a deal that should prevent this from happening again, and the fix should be in the next update. We don't have an ETA for that release, but it's on the way.
That's great news! I look forward to the fix. :)
huzzah! this was one of the features that i bought OF for, and i could never get it to work. glad i wasn't missing something, and that it's coming back.

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