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Mail Tags integration Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Some Form of Mailtags integration would be awesome.

As do many people, spending a bit of time in my email inbox, adding todo thru that that quickly link to the email message are great (already have smart folders set up for them). But pulling those into OmniFu would be awesome...I suppose with some ical syncing this would be all good though..
Agreed. I sent that request in and would love to see it make it in the release or shortly thereafter.
Given that OmniFocus has Applescript support from the ground up it should be possible to do this via Applescript. I'm not involved in the OmniFocus beta programme, so I couldn't tell you what you actually needed from its Applescript dictionary, but here is a skeleton:

tell application "Mail"
set selectedMessages to selection
repeat with selectedMessage in selectedMessages
-- Maybe get stuff from the message like "sender", "subject" and "content"
using terms from application "MailTagsScriptingSupport"
set theKeywords to the keywords of the selectedMessage
set theProject to the project of the selectedMessage
end using terms from
end repeat
end tell

-- Now do some useful stuff :)

This gets you keywords and the project out of MailTags.
Oh, I want this so much. Yes, iCal is a temporary solution that does get us somewhere, but not very far. Options:
- be able to add links to smart folders into the notes pane - with smart folders on MailTags tags, this would put the reference emails right next to the project, which is tremendously useful;
- direct task creation from MailTags (I know we should be talking to them, not you...), including the link to the email and maybe selected email text in the note;
- maybe, if you've set up a due date and an urgency to the email, you could have the option to automatically create a task "Respond to mail *subject* from *sender*". I would use this to death. I waste 10-15 minutes every day writing descriptions of emails to respond to in kGTD. (Since MailTags lets you enter your own notes to be displayed as the message's subjectline, this solves the problem of emails that have nondescript subject lines).
I would also really like Mailtags integration. At the moment, I fetch the url of a message to add it as a link to an action, but being able to have a one-click "put this in my inbox" shortcut would be great.
Originally Posted by brab
I would also really like Mailtags integration. At the moment, I fetch the url of a message to add it as a link to an action, but being able to have a one-click "put this in my inbox" shortcut would be great.

Absolutely. Devon has released a great set of applescripts that allow you to add just about anything to a Devonthink database via the applescript menu. "Add to DevonThink" is also added to the print–>Save to PDF menu. There is also an Apple mail Pluggin that allow you to "add to DevonThink" from the messages menu. Ascessability is in the services menu as well.

I would love to see this kind of integration with OmniFocus. The ability to add projects and contexts on the fly (instead of dumping things in the inbox without project and context tags) would be awesome too. I usually know how I want to tag it as I add it. I don't want to have to re-sort it later. GTD says you should only touch a piece of paper once if you can help it.
This was one of my very first requests - sort of. I'd like integration without having to use Mail Tags or iCal. I use my inbox as a GTD inbox - sending text messages to myself when I'm away from my desk etc. Plus my wife and business partner (one and the same) are forever sending me issues to deal with and track via email.

iGTD has nice integration using an assignable keystroke - drops the subject in as title of task and the body of the message in as the body of the note. Pretty much ideal for me, but iGTD isn't my cup of tea as a complete program. Love to see this in OF - Bonus points for being able to click and link back to the original message....

My 2 cents.

Last edited by gofast; 2007-06-05 at 06:42 PM..
I'd love it if one could give important people in one's life a special email code word (e.g., 'banana') and would send any email subject heading that begins with 'banana' into that one's boss or one's spouse etc could email various things onto one's todo list.
All great ideas. I'm sure Omni is already implamenting some of them. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Originally Posted by markbrown00
I'd love it if one could give important people in one's life a special email code word (e.g., 'banana') and would send any email subject heading that begins with 'banana' into that one's boss or one's spouse etc could email various things onto one's todo list.
AppleScript might work for that, but you can import ToDos attached to emails into iCal. From iCal create a ToDo, then right-click and "Mail To Do". This should also work with other mail/calendar integrations (I used Evolution on Linux for a while and it worked nicely).

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