I was testing OmniFocus mail integration. The following addresses are all valid according to the RFCs:
From: joe@example.com
From: Joe User <joe@example.com>
From: joe@example.com (Joe User)
Unfortunately, the third form is silently ignored by OmniFocus - the message is archived, but no new items are ever added to the inbox. Even more unfortunate, it is the form I would likely be using the most, because it is the form generated by the venerable command-line mailx tool.
From: joe@example.com
From: Joe User <joe@example.com>
From: joe@example.com (Joe User)
Unfortunately, the third form is silently ignored by OmniFocus - the message is archived, but no new items are ever added to the inbox. Even more unfortunate, it is the form I would likely be using the most, because it is the form generated by the venerable command-line mailx tool.