I am very frustrated by the non-auto-completing repeating projects decision. I have read through the forums and I understand that there are some folks who want an auto-repeating project, but without having auto-completion. I am all for supporting the largest user base possible, but this lack of functionality seems to destroy OF's ability to be used as a tickler.
Because I can't get auto-completion I have to manually "move the item forward" by leaving my context based work environment to find the project in question and mark it completed. Doing this at time of task completion requires me to keep in my head all the items in a given project to even realize that is completed. I want this stuff out of my head.
I have a ton of these types of ticklers and they fire all throughout the month. I realize that I could simply do very extensive project reviews on a daily basis, but that seems to be defeating the goals of the software by forcing me to spend excess time clicking through every project to if it is complete and needs to be advanced. I am not adding value with this review, just doing bookkeeping.
What is everyone else using as a tickler for repeating multi-step projects? (As single step repetitions work because of task level repetition.)
Because I can't get auto-completion I have to manually "move the item forward" by leaving my context based work environment to find the project in question and mark it completed. Doing this at time of task completion requires me to keep in my head all the items in a given project to even realize that is completed. I want this stuff out of my head.
I have a ton of these types of ticklers and they fire all throughout the month. I realize that I could simply do very extensive project reviews on a daily basis, but that seems to be defeating the goals of the software by forcing me to spend excess time clicking through every project to if it is complete and needs to be advanced. I am not adding value with this review, just doing bookkeeping.
What is everyone else using as a tickler for repeating multi-step projects? (As single step repetitions work because of task level repetition.)