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Setting AppleScript variable to text of a cell Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have a very simple question.

I am creating an AppleScript which will speak the text in the currently selected cell of OO Pro. However I can't figure out how to set a variable in the AppleScript to the text of the currently selected row :)

This for example:

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
	tell front document
		set x to text of selected row
	end tell
end tell
Doesn't work.

I know that the ability to speak the text of the currently selected cell is already built into OO P (Edit menu -> Speech -> Start Speaking) but I wish to perform some work on the text prior to speaking, substituting some words in the text, also I wish to be able to change the speed of the speech. So for these reasons I do wish to do this with an AppleScript.

Thank you for any help you can give.
Each row may, of course, have several different text columns, but assuming that it is the text of the topic column that you want:

tell application id "OOut"
	set strText to topic of first selected row of front document
end tell
Thank you Rob

In fact I wished to get the text of the cell in a column which was not the "topic" :)

However with your AppleScript I was able to work this out.

I've come up with this:

tell application id "OOut"
	set strText to text of cell named "Spanish" of first selected row of front document
end tell
Which seems to work fine.

I'm now going to fit it into my script for speaking the text.

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