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How do I move a project to a specific folder? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am trying to figure out how to move a project from the bottom of the projects list to a specified folder. I am starting by figuring out how to duplicate a selected project to another location. I have:

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell front document
		tell document window 1
			set theSelectedItems to selected trees of sidebar
			set theA to {tree 2 of tree 2 of sidebar of document window id 128 of document id "fqCMFexKSD8" of application "OmniFocus"}
			set theX to (value of item 1 of theSelectedItems)
			set theY to folder of theX
			set theZ to section of theY
			duplicate (value of item 1 of theSelectedItems) to after theA
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
I get:
  • "OmniFocus got an error: Can’t make {tree 2 of tree 2 of sidebar of document window id 128 of document id "fqCMFexKSD8"} into type specifier," when when I try to duplicate the project to after theA.
  • "OmniFocus got an error: Attempted to move data objects to a nil container," when I try to duplicate the project to after theX and theY.
  • "OmniFocus got an error: Can’t make {project id "oxQPHIP8MtA" of document id "fqCMFexKSD8", etc.} into type specifier," when I try to duplicate the project to after theZ.

How do I write a command that will move the selected project to a specified location?

On a related note, why is it that:
set theX to (first section whose name is "Vision")
duplicate newTemplate to after theX
does not work, but
duplicate newTemplate to after (first section whose name is "Vision")
does? Grrr.
Originally Posted by rloconne View Post
On a related note, why is it that:
set theX to (first section whose name is "Vision")
duplicate newTemplate to after theX
does not work

set theX to a reference to (first section whose name is "Vision")
duplicate newTemplate to after theX
I get the error: "OmniFocus got an error: Attempted to move data objects to a nil container." (I am getting really sick of that *#$$ nil container.)

The best solution I have found so far is to move the project from its original position at the bottom of the list to the top level section containing the folder I want the project in, then to the second level section within that section, and so on until I get it to where I want to go:

-- treePath is a path like "{FolderTop: Folder level 2: etc}"; getPathParts turns it into a list: {"FolderTop", "Folder level 2", "etc"}; newTemplate is a project reference
on moveToSection(treePath, newTemplate)
	tell application "OmniFocus"
		tell front document
			set treePathParts to my getPathParts(treePath)
				move newTemplate to after (first section whose name is (item 1 of treePathParts))
				set currentSection to (first section whose name is (item 1 of treePathParts))
			on error
				return false
			end try
			repeat with i from 2 to count of treePathParts
					move newTemplate to after (first section of currentSection whose name is (item i of treePathParts))
					set currentSection to (first section of currentSection whose name is (item i of treePathParts))
				on error errMsg
					return false
					-- The one of the folders named does not exist
				end try
			end repeat
			move newTemplate to after (last section of currentSection)
		end tell
		return currentSection
	end tell
end moveToSection
It works, but it is really slow.

Last edited by rloconne; 2008-01-21 at 08:34 PM..
Re: moveToSection

When I say it works, I mean it works as long as the folder you want to move your project to is visible. I'm going to settle for that, but if anyone comes up with a better way to move a project to a folder specified by a string in a note, by all means, please let me know.
I have finished version 1 of the scripts I refer to in this thread. You can get them at

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