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Extract the Legal para number using Applescript Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am attempting to write my own CSV exporter script so that I am able to control how the document looks. I wish to include the legal numbering that is present in my Outliner document and have the legal numbers exported into the first column. Is there an Applescript command that yields the numbers as a result?

I have discovered the "level" property and am planning to maintain my own para number string within my script code. Is this the only way of doing it?

I have written a couple of scripts. The one here will create a Tab Seperated File that can be imported into Excel. It adds a legal style number to each item based on its level. It is a simple task to edit the code so that it outputs CSV but I have found that TSV is more useful. The code includes comments and can be adapted to extract data from other columns. At present these columns have to be accessed by name. I hope to create a version that will extract from all columns by column number at some point. I am also working on my own export to RTF.

If all is well there should be a zip file with two scripts. The Export to RTF will only work with a OOp document that has extra columns, the other one should create a TSV file from any OOp document.


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