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Magnets and Snap = ARGH Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
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I've said it before, but I want to say it again .. OG is a great product that is crippled by two things: magnets and snap. Every time I use it to create a precision diagram these both get in my way of a polished, professional diagram.

MAGNETS One simple but huge problem here: I can't place magnets on a snap point (e.g. snap to a grid). When I need custom magnets I have *no* way to align them precisely except by going to super-high zoom and dragging them by eye. This is crazy! To make things worse, the magnets "wander" under the mouse cursor, and try to snap to odd locations that are outside of my control. The result: frustration and connector lines that are off-vertical or horizontal. ARGH!

SNAP Mostly the snaps in OG are useful but as a drawing gets more crowded we end up with the "battle of the snaps", as grid snap and "same spacing" snap and others all come and go with the tiniest movement of an object. The result is (again) frustration as you battle the program trying to get an object where YOU want it rather than OGs guess. We *desperately* need a way to turn these individual snap modes on and off, or to at the very least turn them all off and just leave good old reliable grid snap on. I pretty much have to resort to typing in positions into the Inspector to make things align properly. And yes, I *do* use a grid, religiously!

Sorry to vent, but as I said, I *love* OG most of the time, but i keep getting badly bitten by these two frustrations. I'd *love* to see these fixed in a future release. Please please please??? :)

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