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launching and synching Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It seems my omnifocus iphone app takes longer and longer to launch. Up to a minute or so sometimes. The "opening document" graph just barely creeps (if it moves at all).

Then synching takes about three times as long.

Is this normal?
No, that doesn't sound normal. (Well, the getting longer and longer part, anyway.)

Hmmm... if you open up settings on the phone, turn off "Auto-Sync" in the Synchronization settings, and then quit/relaunch the app on the phone, how long does launch take?

With the settings this way, we can separate out the synchronization portion of our startup activities from the process of starting the app and reading the data. That'll give us some useful information.
I'm also having the same issue with launching and syncing. It's taking forever to open and/or sync. I tried a database reset, but that didn't help. I also turned off auto-sync as recommended above, but it's still taking at least 5 minutes to sync and 30 seconds or more to open OF from scratch.

It makes using the iphone app almost pointless.
If you look at the size of the OmniFocus.ofocus database file on your synch server (iDisk or whatever), how large is it?
Folks having trouble with this after the steps recommended above should contact the support ninjas so they can help.

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