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Remove Schedule Exceptions Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I had entered some schedule exceptions for one of my engineers. I now want to just set him back to the default for his group.

Is there a simple way to do that?
Not quite a one-click solution, but not difficult:

Go to the resource availability view (the calendar icon). Select the resource in question, and the Work Schedule for the resource (as opposed to the Normal Work Week for the resource). As you flip through the months of the calendar, you'll see the days where the resource's work schedule differs from the work schedule for the project highlighted. If you click on those days, you'll see the work schedule for that week at the right, and just above the date labels on that display will be a little annotation about "Customized from Resource <xyz>'s normal work week" and a circle with an x in it. If you click that circle/x, that week's customization is removed. You can flip through the months very rapidly, and the green squiggly lines next to the resource name in the resource view will disappear when you've gotten them all.
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Name:	Picture 6.png
Views:	935
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ID:	1136  
Hmm, upon rereading your posting, I'm not sure that suggestion of mine is much help if the "default for his group" differs significantly from the default for the project. In that case, applescript might be your friend, as it appears there is support in the dictionary for manipulating work schedules.
Yeh, originally i started going through and looking for he exception dates and fixing them. But with a large project this is cumbersome and also since i have custom schedule for the group he green squiggly line is always there so i don't know that i have caught them all.

Seems like a hole.

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