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DropBox support? [A: Document sync is coming, but not based on Dropbox or iCloud.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi -

First, I'll say that I love the desktop version of Omnigraffle. I use it at work a fair amount, and have had great success with it. Because of this, I have a lot of diagrams. Is Omnigraffle on the iPad fully compatible with the desktop version? How will things such as multiple canvases work on the iPad, and are there any diagram size limits on the iPad?

The other question, is any way the iPad version of Omnigraffle can work with Dropbox? I know there is a future DropBox iPad app coming. I can imagine using DropBox to open my Omnigraffle documents both on my Macbook and on the iPad. Then the user experience would be incredible. I'd be able to edit documents from the couch, and at work, and never worry about emailing, etc.

Multiple canvases are indeed a feature of OmniGraffle for iPad, and while there is still work to be done for future versions (things like Image manipulation and Notes and Actions, etc.) the round trip from desktop to iPad and back should be non-destructive to existing documents, with one caveat, which is being able to edit Rich Text for different strings of text in a shape's label -- Currently on OmniGraffle for iPad, editing the style of text does so for all the text in a shape's label.

That said, we don't know for sure what size limits will come into play on the iPad itself, both physical dimensions or filesize, and when we run into problems we'll see about getting them fixed as best we can, but we more or less have to wait until tomorrow.

Finally, as for DropBox compatibility, it remains to be seen, however we can count on being able to handle OmniGraffle documents via email as well as downloads from Safari on the iPad (so long as they have the proper file extension when zipped), so I'd take an educated guess that if DropBox hands off a .graffle or .gstencil or .gtemplate, the iPad OS will properly ask if you want to open it in OmniGraffle, and copy the file to OmniGraffle's documents directory.

Hope the above clears some things up.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Thanks for the answer!

Even with drop box opening omnigraffle, we'd still need to email out of Omnigraffle to get the document back to the desktop then? (I am not sure how documents move from one application to another).

Any plans for a 1 document, or similar, trial version? At the premium price, it'd be nice to take the app out for a spin, like we can with the desktop version. I don't mind the price point, but its tough to commit without trying first.
You can email documents from OmniGraffle for iPad, and as I understand when the iPad is plugged in to your desktop iTunes has a "Documents" area for transferring files.

As for trial versions go, I'll quote Brian from another thread:

"We are huge fans of "try before you buy". OmniFocus for iPhone is currently installed on Apple Store demo units; we'd like to do the same with these apps if Apple is interested."
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Hi Joel, I'd like to add my voice to the "please support dropbox" chorus, if we can describe it as that. E-mail cannot really be said to have been designed to be a file transfer solution :)

Moving files around seems to be a key iPad weakness, and allowing loading and saving from Dropbox is an incredibly elegant and transparent way to work around it. As I'm sure you know, as soon as you put a file on Dropbox it magically becomes available on all your Macs (and iPads etc.)

As Dropbox supports free usage, providing 2Gb of storage to non-paying users, it would be accessible to all your customers.

Hopefully Apple will get their act together and do cloud storage properly (that data centre must be for *something*), but in the mean time, Dropbox rocks!


Originally Posted by ids View Post
Hi Joel, I'd like to add my voice to the "please support dropbox" chorus, if we can describe it as that. E-mail cannot really be said to have been designed to be a file transfer solution :)

Moving files around seems to be a key iPad weakness, and allowing loading and saving from Dropbox is an incredibly elegant and transparent way to work around it. As I'm sure you know, as soon as you put a file on Dropbox it magically becomes available on all your Macs (and iPads etc.)

As Dropbox supports free usage, providing 2Gb of storage to non-paying users, it would be accessible to all your customers.

Hopefully Apple will get their act together and do cloud storage properly (that data centre must be for *something*), but in the mean time, Dropbox rocks!


and here's another supporter of the cloud :-)
Amen to the dropbox requests. If you haven't looked at how Dataviz has integrated it, I suggest you grab Documents To Go Premium for $15. It's pretty easy to code the dropbox upload/download - all HTTP RESTful. Use the local file sandbox, then allow a user to selectively download and resync, on command. Easy peasy, and killer functionality. I don't plan on ever making use of iTunes desktop. The other possibilities are better, if an app doesn't make use of them, then it's way down my list. :)
Another vote for DropBox. I love OG on the iPad, but without cloud support, moving files around is super clunky. I really like the way QuickOffice and others have integrated DropBox support, and I hope Omni takes a similar approach.
Another vote for Dropbox here as well :)
Ditto here. There's no great way to go from OG to OG for the iPad. The iTunes approach isn't always practical—especially if you have more than 1 computer, and the iPad is synced to only one of them. And, of course, it's just clunkier.

Working with DropBox so their service does recognize .graffle extensions would be a very elegant solution.

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